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Which Whitening Shampoos And Stain Removers Work?


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I am interested in finding out other's opinions about whitening shampoos and stain removers.

We have a lot of red dirt at our place and this stains terribly. I need some hints on getting the stains out.

I dont need to wash a whole dog, just white chests.

I used to use "blu O" bags many years ago to make whites whiter on boxers. but we did not have this horrid red dirt then.

Any one got any magic tricks or products to help????????????

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Laserlites "Whiten up" might be handy for you, it is a dry clean, so spray it on , let dry & brush out, you migth do this regularly in between show baths, easier than washing the dogs all the time. Laserlites also have "Dry Kleen" which is a dry shampoo for shows mainly,Whiten Up is a step up for stain removing etc.

Sards or sunlight soap well lathered up, then done in a blue shampoo migth be all you need if the whiten up works.

I have had brilliant results on urine stains using "Champion Tails" silver highlight stain remover, but you have to mix it just right etc or your dogs will be purple :)

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