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Trainer In Sutherland Shire Area


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I'm thinking about getting a muzzle for my sister's dog as a backup for when we visit for Christmas.

My sister is in denial about her dog's aggression and at the last minute says he can't be send elsewhere overnight :rofl:. Kennels full.

Would the wire type be best?

Long story, but dog is both dog and human aggressive.

He's 8 year old desexed RidgebackX staffyX ? (something lean), ex pound dog.

He's bitten people as well as attacked my dog when our system for separating the dogs failed due to human error.

He'll also be locked in the garage muzzled while kids awake (the plan- approx 3-4 hours if that's humane), muzzle off for sleep, muzzle back on to go outside for toilet stops. Is that realistic?

I don't know if he's beyond redemption or not, but I can't risk him biting the kids if they fall over onto him, touch him in the wrong way etc.

I feel OK with him. It's as though he's a Jekyl and Hyde- same dog will sit for me, give paw and be nice when invited for cuddles :rofl:

I've witnessed only one bite- unprovoked- went up to person with van in the street who had their hand extended (for dog to sniff) and he ran up, bit him (drew blood), then ran away. Also bit my Dad when he pulled him collar to get him down from barking loudly at the fenceline.

Thanks :rofl:

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