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Paradox"s Of The Dog World.


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Some aspects of the Dog world are ironic or a paradox in my view.Some that i see are.

Some People in training the Dog to come to them,are actually teaching the dog to runaway.

The more we take from a Dog,the more he will give us.

What ironic aspects do you see? Tony

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The other day we had a stray dog wandering around the front of our house. A minute later her owner came running around the corner and called her...

the dog sprinted to the owner, i mean sprinted. Then when she got there, the owner hit her and told her how naughty she was.

I could not believe it. I said to her.. she isnt going to come back to you if you hit her for doing it.

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  Tonymc said:
What ironic aspects do you see?

That when we think we are loving our dogs, we aren't really loving them enough to be doing them any favours.

We need to "love" them in ways they need and are less likely to become confused by.

Edited by Erny
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  Erny said:
  Tonymc said:
What ironic aspects do you see?

That when we think we are loving our dogs, we aren't really loving them enough to be doing them any favours.

We need to "love" them in ways they need and are less likely to become confused by.


I see this so many times.... "oh i love him too much to not feed him off my plate".... but you dont love him enough to put his best interest first.

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Not that my reply is worthwhile but .......number one rule: Without focus, we have nothing.

Dogs do what works for them.

Your line....the more we take from the dog, the more he will give us.....confuses me.......but I am easily confused!!!!

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  Lablover said:
Your line....the more we take from the dog, the more he will give us.....confuses me.......but I am easily confused!!!!

I am thinking the more you restrict life rewards the more the dog enjoys training, I could be and probably am totally wrong because I am also often confused. :laugh::)

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Hopefully Tommymc will return.

When I imported Yank for example, the first dog for YEARS, I had not bred myself, due to him being reared during winter etc (fun stopped and he was crated) he used to run away (ACTUALLY HE BOLTED LOL), when called. I changed that behaviour quick smart with rewards and short recalls.

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Lablover,your not confused.I must take the blame for not writing what I meant very clearly.

This is my perspective.The more drive a Dog feels ok expressing the better.The more drive a dog expresses the more complete or whole he or she feels.

The more drive I can draw out of the Dog when he or she is with me,the more attracted to me he or she will be.The more drive I can asorb or take from the Dog the more responsive the dog will be. Tony

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  Tonymc said:
Lablover,your not confused.I must take the blame for not writing what I meant very clearly.

This is my perspective.The more drive a Dog feels ok expressing the better.The more drive a dog expresses the more complete or whole he or she feels.

Like today?? I set up 3 cold water blinds (hidden retrieves/bumpers), in a long channel, (channel being 40 yards across), one retrieve at 100 yards, one at 130 yards, and one at 200 yards - 40 yeards from the bank, so straight or correct angled entry was important. After the dog returned from the 1st retrieve, suction to the 2nd was thus created and so forth.

Conclusion: Dogs have to stop to the whistle, turn and take relevant casts. Awesome!!!

Tomorrow at this new training "farm" (pretty snake safe - due to lack of cover - but I will check first) I will include marks/seen retrieves, which I will no off, to pick up the hidden retrieves.

Make sense?

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