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My Double Brag!


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I have to post a brag from the trial I attended on Saturday night with my 2 young dogs. The trial was Wollondilly All Breeds.

My male GSD, Bonaustell Steppin Away CCD aka Beau, took out the novice ring with 193 points. Not bad for a show dog, who is pretty but not really very smart! :thumbsup: ;)

My young female GSD, Khanique Gracy aka Grace, got her CCD title and came third with a lovely score of 94. At one stage I almost retired Grace from obedience after she got attacked by another dog at training. She was so nervous that she shook in terror at training for ages, and when in the ring would freak out if the judge walked behind her or if a dog barked outside the ring.

I'm very proud of both my fur-kids, and just wanted to share my lovely night out! :mad

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Thanks everyone! I've been out of the trial ring for about 4 years, and its great to be getting back into it!

"Make sure they r in huggin moods when i see them next, coz they r in for some serious cuddles! "

Thanks Scheideerz. You know the terrible two are always ready for some good huggin - especially Grace! :dropjaw:

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