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Miniature/toy Pomeranians


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Why would you want a mini pom?

They are such a little dog anyway..

I have to say we have a young coup,e that come to our dog park sometimes and they have 3 Pom girls.. The oldest (which I thought was a pup) is about 3/4 of the size of the other two... She is also the boss :D

Ziggy likes to play with them cause they have the littlest tennis balls and he has someone to run with...he looks so silly trying to play bow to this tiny dog that looks like she is smaller than his head...

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Guest Arcane

miniature / toy versions of any breed that doesn't have that actual wording in it's official breed name are just runts or undersize dogs! undersize dogs bred to undersize dogs by irresponsible twats to cater to a certain section of society stupid enough to think idiotically undersize versions of breeds could be anything other than weak runty sickly short lived costly heartbreakers.

*breathe* Sorry I had to get that off my chest! As a groomer I see so many 'toy/mini/teacup' creatures bred purposely undersize usually purchased online by the unsuspecting & ill informed. It never ends well.

I think with Pomeranians the myth that there are 'mini/toy' ones comes from the fact there are so many oversize ones out there in pet land, so when people see a correctly size one they label it as a 'mini/toy' when it is infact probably standard size.

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