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Puppy Pre-school - Hip, Hip, Hooray!


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We went to our first PPS last night. What a great time we had - and what renewed enthusiasm we both have! It was great for the dogs to have a play around with each other and great for me to have people tell me I'm not the only one at my wits end! Even the teeny tiny little designer dog parents were at their wits end with their dogs!

The teacher talked to me about the barking and biting and told me to keep doing what I'm doing and eventually it will pay off.

AND we learnt to settle! God, wish I'd known that trick beforehand .. my B/C learnt quite quickly to settle and I'm so glad I've learnt that to be able to stop him freaking out. We also learnt COME, which he's been doing for a while - my technique needed a tweak and since then each time I've commanded "come" he's done exactly that. I feel so much better for going - just to be with other people and their dogs was nice .. I guess its like having a baby in the middle of winter - you must get cabin fever not being able to go out. Waiting for these vaccinations with a hyper active puppy is just ridiculous - it was nice to get out and socialise.

We get to go again next Wednesday and we're both looking forward to it.

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  newnewf said:
please share, lolly - how do you get them to "settle", and what tweaking did your "come" need?

I would also like to know these tricks and also what they suggested you do for barking and biting!! Your puppy school sounds fabulous - ours is just talk about vet health stuff.

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I am so glad you enjoyed puppy preschool. I have owned dogs for years and didn't even know such a thing existed until a vet (not my own) that I had to take a dog to for some reason told me about it, because I had a young pup. My husband thought the idea was ridiculous (he is a farmer, very old school). I did end up going with my little lab pup and my 4 kids at the time and we had a ball. It was so much fun and very informative as well.

I even managed to bring hubby along once and he actually did enjoy it. Especially when we did pass the puppy and you got to hold everyones pup of all different breeds, sizes ect. It was fun.

Hope you keep enjoying it and your puppy has a ball!

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My husband didnt go, but when I got home and told him what a great time we had and showed him the COME and SETTLE he was jealous and is definately coming next week.

With the COME I was just randomly standing around yelling COME COME COME. She told me to stand in one spot and say "{INSERT NAME} COME". If he didnt respond, she told me to move into his sight and gain attention and then say {INSERT NAME} COME. It took three goes and since then every time I've commanded him to come he's done it. I didnt even have to go into the yard with him for wee last night. I stood at the back door and when he was done I commanded COME and he came straight away.

SETTLE was so easy I cant believe I didnt know about it. I picked him up and put him on his back and stroked his tummy and said SETTLE. It took about 5 goes because he was freaking out, but when I got home I showed hubby and he settled immediately. Once he's settled I put him back on his tummy. Apparently its all about you allowing the dog to go back onto its tummy.

With the biting, you hold their lips in so they're biting themselves. With the barking she said to keep doing what I'm doing and thats holding his snout, looking him in the eye and saying NO. Eventually it will stop.

What happens is I say NO to barking, and for each NO I get a BARK. Then he starts snapping and biting at me and gets all aggressive. Now I can use the SETTLE when he starts with that.

I highly recommend doing PPS if you can - I feel 100% better after it.

Edited by Lolly
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Perhaps an alternative "settle" for a larger dog that has worked for me (especially with the dreaded ear drops!) Kneel down and place pup in a sitting position facing away from you between your knees - you then have the ability to wrap your arms around the dog when they struggle.....as soon as you feel pup relax, gently relax your grip and stroke puppy gently and quietly tell him how good he is. Only let pup go free when he is sitting quietly and relaxed - I don't use this much anymore but Zig relaxes into position really quickly when I need him to :rolleyes:

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