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Cats N Dogs


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we already have a 6yr old male (desexed) cat - he is very laid back and before we had him he lived with 2 small dogs but we don't know if he's had 'puppy' experience. He is friendly towards other animals (unfortunately his friendly overtures to my brother's 12 month kitty resulted in kitty yowling and carrying on and becoming very angry with everyone - our cat conducted himself very calmly and cautiosuly once it become apparent Kitty didn't understand the friendly approach.)

The puppy will be restricted to the kitchen/family room while the cat will be allowed free range of the house - we will also get him a cat climbing pole with platform that is higher than adult belgian height!

I have introduced grown up dogs to adult cats before - in this instance our family cat (who is no longer with us) put the family dogs quickly in their place and all three animals lived in mutual respect of each other rather than joyous friendship. (Or at least the dogs were very companionable with each other and respectful of the cat!) The process then was allow the dogs into the house when the cat was in another room, then dogs out and cat in room so they all got each other's scent, then meeting with dog on lead and cat free to escape. Then supervised off leash encounters. Both dogs were taught never to chase or bail up the cat.

Should we let them sniff through the back door (wire) before we even bring the pup into the house?

I am concerned that our cat being an entirely different temperament to my childhood cat may not fair as well...

Basically what are some of the options for introducing a bouncy large female pup of 8weeks (she'll be German Sheperd size for those unfamiliar with Belgians) to a large and laid back adult male cat? What have your experiences been? Any suggestions for developing good 'cat manners' in puppies?

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I am no expert, but i can tell you my experence with my cat and dog. My Cat must have been about 4yrs when i got my 8 week beagle. Unlike you though my cat was badly abused as a kitten, so she didnt (and still dosent) like other animals. She wouldnt even come and sit on you or next to you at this stage and i would have had her about 3yrs at this stage. When we first brought Coby (beagle) home the cat hid for a couple of days. She got extra attention and thankfully the beagle couldnt get to her as she was confined. However the Karry (cat) could get to coby. So evidentually (days) Karry would come out and sit high up and watch coby. She did this for weeks. There where times when i thought they would never get along. However i never forced Karry to go anywhere near Coby until she was ready. After a week or so Karry would come on the ground in the same room as coby and sniff at her when she was sleeping. After a while she came down when the dog was awake. However Coby would get excited and run at Karry. Karry would hit Coby on the nose with her paw. Never any claws, just a dominace thing. Anyway the dog learnt not to run at the cat from this, and the cat was never in trouble for doing this. So over time the cat started to chase the dog and play with coby. However too this day if the dog gets too close or out of line the cat hits her. Right now they are both sleeping on the sofa next to me, one on my left, the other on my right. They never curl up together, but when the cat wants to play, the cat will play. But she has control over the dog, which with the size difference i find important. On another note, having the dog i think has actually brought the cat out of her shell, she now is much more trusting of other animals and humans.

Sorry for the story. I aint trying to scare you and say it will take weeks like it did for me. I aint saying i didnt anything rightm but i thought you might get something out of there that might help you in some way. My cat and dog are about to be introduced (10 days!!) to a new Dalmatian pup, so i am as nerves as you about them all getting along again. So good luck :rofl:

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well c4c 4 ever i wish our animals were like yours.. our 6mnth german shepherd pup still chases the 2yo cat. there is a baby gate separating the kitchen from the rest of the house where the cat roams. we stop the pup when she barks or scares the cat by we are at a loss as to how to integrate the 2 of them...the cat wont defend herself she just runs to higher ground.. maybe the puppy will grow out of it but i doubt it..

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That suxs Charli. My dog use to chase at my cat and the cat would retreat. But i also had a beagle, so when she was 8 weeks old the cat was actually slightly bigger, so i think that might have helped a little bit. But when the dog got older she did actually stop chasing her. So helpful your german shepard grows out of it. Try to make every interaction possitive. There will be people on here that can help you more. But is the dog being aggresive towards the cat?? Or more wanting to play?? If its aggression you might wanna get some profesional help.

But here is hoping your dog grows out of it.

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My Dal has just turned one and simply desperately wants to play with the cats....he play bows and yips and drops toys at their feet :mad .......I have taught him a firm "leave" command and he is old enough to know the consequences of not obeying it.....without a word he gets gently placed into his soft crate for 5 or 10 minutes.....removing him from his social world is the worst punishment imaginable and he always comes out very quietly :( The cats are now doing really well....Lilly has been stirring him for some time but Miss Bronte has finally realised that he is not dangerous, just a complete pain in the @r$e :(

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I have always had both dogs and cats together, even when growing up. But in saying that I have never had a dog with a high prey drive which also helps alot. We recently got another puppy and when introducing the puppy and cat we also stay within imediate reach of the puppy. Our cat is aloud to come inside but the dog isn't. They actually spend alot of time playing together, but then my cat also plays with our birds and they play with her (I think we have a crazy house) :mad

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The dog isnt aggresive just wants to play with the cat... She gets jealous when she sees the cat in the lounge with us and barks then the cat runs away... we do bring the dog into the lounge with us and all she wants to do is sniff out the cat but we keep her on the lead with us and wont let her track down the cat. Alot of hard work ahead... sorry to hijack the thread belgian...

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  charli73 said:
The dog isnt aggresive just wants to play with the cat... She gets jealous when she sees the cat in the lounge with us and barks then the cat runs away... we do bring the dog into the lounge with us and all she wants to do is sniff out the cat but we keep her on the lead with us and wont let her track down the cat. Alot of hard work ahead... sorry to hijack the thread belgian...

She is jelous of the cat, and while she isnt aggressive with the cat (yet) she could be if you dont control her behaviour now.

At 6 months old, she needs to be taught who is leader. Crate train her and put her in there if she is carrying on at the cat

You need to train her to accept the cat, so have her on a lead whenever she's inside, and put her in the sit position with treats for reward when the cat goes past and she is sitting quietly.

No use just hoping for the best, you need to work at it every day. It should take around 2-3 weeks at the most to have her sitting quietly when the cat is around. :mad

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I have a 3 year old indoor cat who I recently introduced to my GSP puppy. The cat was inquisitive at first and then a bit cautious, because he figured out that if he chased her she'd run. So far we've had no luck stopping the chasing - we do stop him, but it usually involves grabbing his collar. He doesn't hurt her - although once he pounced and landed on her, scratching her head accidently. She never fights back, just hits him without claws and hisses.

The weird thing is that he only chases her inside. On the rare occasion that she comes in the backyard he walks really slowly and stands over the top of her (he peed on her once), sometimes trying to pin her down, sometimes licking and sniffing her head. She just stands there eating the grass and ignoring him unless he gets rough. This is obviously him trying to be dominant - should i stop him even though the cat doesn't seem to care? They tolerate each other when they're tired - they're sleeping almost next to each other on the lounge right now...

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Mac acted way too overexcited when we first introduced her to Elliot. We just held her at one end of the couch while he slept at the other and only let her get closer when she calmed down so that she learnt being over the top doesn't get her anywhere.

The other 3 we introduced about a week later. First Sophie who had known he was around for a week so hardly paid any attention to him, same with Harry.

Buster just wanted to eat him though, upset me heaps. Panda and Buster were best mates but he wasn't taken with another cat. It took about 2 weeks with them, from having him on leash 100% of the time, to having him on leash but me not always holding it, till Elliot could walk right by him and Buster would just look. After a few weeks I even managed to get them to walk by each other in the hall. A couple of quick swipes from Elliot has taught him that when he gets meowed out just back away your too close.

I think I'll onlyhave older cats whiel I lives with Harry, his prey drive is huge, as is buster's but Buster is very controlled int he house. I don't need to worry about a kitten with no idea.

Now months Later Elliot can stroll into the middle of where all the dogs are standing, he has full roam of the house at night as do Sophie and Mac and Buster has finally dropped all his weird glances at him and its back to like he used to be.

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When I got my am staff Diesel nearly 5 years ago, I had two adult cats. Toby the cat was petrified of Diesel at first, so I kept him locked in the house until he got used to the dog as I was worried he would run away. The other cat Misty needed some adjusting, but she was quite interested in watching the pup. I think just let them get used to each other gently, I kept all three in the same area I was in when I was home, it gently 'forced' them to get used to each other, but the cats could always get away (jump up onto something) and I was always there to intercept if needed.

I only have the one cat now, Misty, and her and Diesel get along great! They sleep next to each other on the couch with me, and I often see them just sitting next to one another at the front step. When I come home from a walk, Misty runs out to greet us and rubs against Diesels face. It's very cute to watch her rub against him (like the way cats rub againts your legs)

So be positive, I was in tears when I first got the pup as I thought I had upset Toby so much, they all adjusted and got along great. I have a new pup arriving in 2 weeks, so I'm about to go through it all again, feeling very anxious too.

Good Luck!

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Thanks all for the advice and stories, hope others have found it as useful as I have. Just heard from teh breeder that the pup met their cat for the first time today. he strolled into the puppy area to check them out - the pups were too busy playing with their toys to notice! :drink:

So I think for the first few encounters I'll make sure there's some interesting toys to distract her from our cat if need be!

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