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Toy Poodle Puppy


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hi guys

ive just bought a black 7 week old toy poodle (very tiny)

his name is percy

ive only had him for 4 nights now

i work full time and live by myself so most days his left at home by himself in the laundy/bathroom area. this is also where he sleeps and he is very good and hardly whinges when he gets left in there to sleep at night

the first 2 days he was home he followed me everywhere! didnt bite, loved being picked up, was really well behaved but the last 2 days since his been left at home by himself he has started biting when anyone pats him or picks him up and running around crazy into everything, the first 2 days when i put him on the grass to go to the toilet he would never wander to far away from me now he wants to take off

the main problem is the biting, i have given him a few toys and little bones etc to chew on but his more interested in toes and fingers, he seems very aggitated so im assuming his teeth are hurting him a fair bit

his due for his second vaccination on the 22/12/07 so i dont really want to take him to puppy preschool until he is fully vaccinated

any suggestions on how i can get him to stop biting etc?


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It seems like he is only getting company a few hours each day. Could you have him puppy sat a few days a week for company for him? If you do a search on mouthing and biting within the puppy section on this site you will find a heap of solutions. :thumbsup:

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  malinda2468 said:
hi guys

ive just bought a black 7 week old toy poodle (very tiny)

his name is percy

ive only had him for 4 nights now

i work full time and live by myself so most days his left at home by himself in the laundy/bathroom area. this is also where he sleeps and he is very good and hardly whinges when he gets left in there to sleep at night

the first 2 days he was home he followed me everywhere! didnt bite, loved being picked up, was really well behaved but the last 2 days since his been left at home by himself he has started biting when anyone pats him or picks him up and running around crazy into everything, the first 2 days when i put him on the grass to go to the toilet he would never wander to far away from me now he wants to take off

the main problem is the biting, i have given him a few toys and little bones etc to chew on but his more interested in toes and fingers, he seems very aggitated so im assuming his teeth are hurting him a fair bit

his due for his second vaccination on the 22/12/07 so i dont really want to take him to puppy preschool until he is fully vaccinated

any suggestions on how i can get him to stop biting etc?


7 weeks old.. right at the age he should be learning bite inhibition from his littermates. :thumbsup:

Malinda, look up "mouthing" and "bite inhibition" in the puppy problems forum using the search engine. This is a very common problem. Puppies don't have hands - they use their teeth to explore. Your job is to teach him, firmly but fairly, that he is not to put his teeth on you - no matter how gently.

The point of puppy preschool is to allow pups that aren't fully vaccinated to interact safely with other pups in a sterile environment. I'd be booking him for the next available class.

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Puppies should be with their dam and littermates at 7 weeks of age.

They also need to be fed 4 times a day at this age.

Toy poodles are high energy, so he probably seems crazy and agitated after having nothing to do all day. He's up-to-date with worming?

Poodles are also very much human-orientated, so this is why he will prefer your fingers etc.

You need to start training this young pup.

Bite= a stern, "no" and ignore pup until he is doing something good e.g. not biting or attempting to do so.

This will be interesting...... It's impossible for you to toilet train this dog if it's in a laundry-bathroom area most of the time and you're at work or asleep a minimum of 15 hours a day, 5 days a week?

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Baby puppies are usually a little quiet when you first bring them home, leaving their dam and littermates is a traumatic experience and it takes them a few days to adjust, however the quietness soon wears off. At 7 weeks your puppy was actually too young to leave his mother which may be why you may be having problems with biting, he would have still been learning bite inhibition when he was removed from the litter. He won't start teething until he's about 3 months of age so it has nothing to do with his teeth hurting.

He really needs more attention, leaving him locked in a small area most of the day and all night on his own isn't really fair on the puppy. Toy poodles may be small, but they're very active dogs and he's going to get very bored and frustrated and may develop destructive behaviours or barking problems as he gets bigger. You will find that he's 'running around crazy' because he's just so pleased to see someone and get some attention.

Is there anyone who can visit the pup during the day and take him outside for a game or something? He would really be better off outside if you have a puppy proofed yard. Who is feeding him? You really need to rethink how you are housing and caring for this puppy if you want a happy, healthy and well adjusted dog in the future

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i realise that leaving him by himself most days is not ideal but i do have someone who goes over there every now and then and i spend all night and morning with him and weekends are free so whilst its not ideal i will have to train him the best way i can

toilet training hasnt been to bad so far, he usually goes in the exact same spot in the laundry and when im home i take him out every half hour to hour , after every meal and nap and he goes straight away. the accidents we have had he has gone near the front door which i think is a good sign as i may have missed him sniffing around. will he just pick up to go to the front door and let me know he needs to go out?

other then the biting and taking off every now and then he is a very good dog and i have enrolled him into puppy preschool so hopefully that will help too

thanks for your advice

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all sounds pretty normal to me! you will need to teach him that biting is a no-no, but he is young and he will learn.

I think PPS is a good idea, especially for socialisation...my pup has missed a bit of that (not very possible where we are), and as a result he goes bananas whenever another dog or person is around.

Get your pup used to as many experiences as possible...make sure he is stimulated, it's such an important age. Make sure you look at the stages of puppy development as well (pinned to the top of this area of the forum), it really helps you to pre-empt what is going to happen...well, as much as possible!

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Gee 7 weeks!!! That breeder should be shot. Way too young for a toy poodle to leave his/her dam and siblings. All the advice given above has been good. How about you come over and visit the poodle thread in breed sub forum. Pics are a must :drink:

Edited by JAG
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