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I Am So Proud Of My Girl


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I am so proud of my girl, we went to the vet yesterday to have her desexed, no problems getting her there. Just in case I dropped the kids of at my mum's so I can focus on her. We arrived at the vets early, so I had time to walk her around outside first to get her use to the scents of being there. Whilst outside another dog arrived and she didn't pee, cringe or yelp she just sat beside me. She walked into the vets, sat on the scales on command. In the afternoon when I went back to collect her, once again left kids with my mum because I thought might have to carry her out considering she was in a strange enviroment for the day. She wouldn't walk out for the vet nurse, but when I went around to get her, and said "lets walk" she walked wonderfully on the leash and we had a harsel free trip home. I am just so proud of the progress that she has made, this is the first time she was not reacted badly to the presents of another dog, strange people plus actually walked on leash away from home. :cool:

Now that I have had her desexed, :) I have been told to reduce her food by 1/3 to 1/2 of what I was feeding her, is that normal for a six month puppy? She know weighs 17 KG stand approx knee height, breed unknown, guess ridgebach X. If I reduce what I am feeding her she will now be having 1/3 cups of dry biscuits morning and night.

Second questions I asked about how soon she could start exercising and they said could take her for walk next day, this seems horribly soon to me? But then I myself have a very low pain threshold.

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Glad to hear she (and you!) had a more posative experience this time! :rofl:

Personnaly I wouldn't cut back her food right away, I would wait until you start seeing changes in her condition (probably once she has stopped growing) and cut it back accordingly. If she is getting adiquite excercise I don't imagine you would have to cut her food back by that much :thumbsup:

I wouldn't walk her the day after an op but that is just me. We used to tell clients to keep them quiet (no running/jumping/forced excercise) for 4-5 days just to be safe. She needs time to heal :cheer:

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  goldengirl said:
I wouldn't walk her the day after an op but that is just me. We used to tell clients to keep them quiet (no running/jumping/forced excercise) for 4-5 days just to be safe. She needs time to heal :rofl:

I was sure that when I had my previous dog desexed that she needed to kept quiet for a few days. I know after I have surgery I don't feel like going for a walk or running around.

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I've had a few fosters desexed and I've found that a small quiet walks helps to keep them satisfied so they don't run, jump and play. Watch she doesn't play too rough with any other dogs or your children.

Once they are over the anaesthetic I don't think they have much pain - just watch she doesn't bite her stitches.

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