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Crying Dog, Vet Is Stumped


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Hi guys, was hoping to get some feedback.

Just after dinner time my baby, Hazel, was sniffing around the dinner table while I was doing the dishes.. she started yelping and i dried my hands and went to see her, she seemed fine then.. after i finished washing up, i went to see if she was ok properly, she tried to walk towards me but when she did, she'd start yelping. it seemed like she'd rather sit instead. cos maybe walking was hurting her. i tried to see if her paws were hurt but she'd just yelp if i held on for too long.

I decided to take her straight to the vet (our vet closes at 11) since they were still open. She could barely walk, every 1m she'd sit. So i attempted to carry her. The first time I Did it, she yelped so loud i was terrified so i put her back down.

I adjusted it then I carried her again to the car.

vet examined her.. nothing seemed wrong.. he just said to watch her for 24 hours

any suggestions?

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I had a Keeshond bitch who, when I came home one day, was in the lounge room, paralysed, screaming in agony.

Vet could find nothing.

So we took her to a chiropractor/muscle manipulator. He eased her enormous pain almost instantly, and over the space of around 8-12 weeks, he got her back up and walking again. It was a LONG haul for both of us, I had to carry her out to the toilet, using a towel under her tummy, and I eventually had to clip her trousers off, as they just got too messy.

She had pinched a major nerve somewhere, and without my muscle man, I am sure should would have had to be PTS.

She was around 6 when this happened. She went on to live till 12 years old. She never carried her tail over her back again, but that mattered not at all. She was able to get around without too much trouble.

Press gently on either side of her spine, all the way from her head to her tail, and watch for ANY sign of flinching, or pain. I suspect it could be something similar to Jessie had.

Good luck!

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My old dog does this occassionally, and the vet has NO idea, but is swaying towards a pinched nerve in the spine somewhere. He was put on a course of anti inflamitories and it seemed to fix it, so that is why he is leaning that way. This has been happening on and off for years for us, and when it happens it is really sudden, like he has been bitten by a green ant and is trying to get away from the pain but can't. My dog is also slightly roach backed, so maybe his conformation has something to do with it as well....We call it 'yelpies' and if he gets them, I just give him his drugs for a few days and all is good again *sigh*

Another time he did similiar to your dog was when he was starting to bloat ( first and only time thank goodness). He was in pain and just had to sit. He was crying with an occassional yelp. I draped him over my leg to support him and comfort him, while trying to by time to figure out what was wrong...he relaxed and gave a massive BURRPPPPPP and all was good again...

Good luck op

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Hi. I hope she is ok now...

Yep..I would also suggest a back injury..... just on info presented, but obviously it's a guess .

We have a dog who does this occasionally..she is in agony... warmth and total rest for a few of days ...then gradual exercise and she's ok again.

If she is still in pain..find a different vet :cool: Some are better at the muscle/bone diagnoses than others.

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I'd recommend taking her to the natural vet at Russell Lea in Sydney (if you are in NSW). One of my dogs was in agony one day I came home. Myvet didn't really know what to do so the next day I went to the natural vet and they did accupuncture and chiro work on him. He was better, we went back 3 more times within a couple of weeks and he was heaps better at the end.

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Rysup: Can u recommend a "muscle man" for me in sydney? how much does a visit like that cost? is it better to "catch it early"?

dogmad: whereabouts is Russel Lea? Can he diagnose as well?

She seems better today. She's still reluctant to walk.. but she can walk.. i'm still so worried :rofl:

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I used Peter Schofield Lynlovesdogs. I dont have his phone number at the moment, but can get it for you.

He was charging around $20 a visit when I was seeing him, but not sure of his current fees. Yes its better to catch it early.

ETA - he has moved, I am getting his contact for you!!

Edited by Rysup
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Russell Lea is right near Drummoyne, it's the next suburb. Just turn off Victoria Road in Lyons Road and keep going and the vet is on the righthandside.

There is a physio in Leichardt that I've had recommended as well if you want that info but I'd try a vet first.

Is that the physio with the hydro therapy???

I will put in a second reccomendation for the vet at Russel Lea, My boys love going there, fall asleep whilst having acupuncture and dont mind the chiropractic work. No mean feat for Spud and he has an internal hatred for vets. :rofl:

The only problem I have now is when we head to our other vet they run to the receptionist expecting her to drop everything to dote on them :( .

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is there a phone number with this vet in russel lea guys?

Rysup: thanks for hunting down his contact. by the judge of his number, is he somehwere outside of sydney? should I ring him first?

Thanks guys, after a day of resting she seems much better able to run and stuff...

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Well, if he is as good as his father I can thoroughly recommend him. The thing is, it will not harm your dog and could very well solve the problem. My boy who died last year had a chronic limp. The vet was treating him with Cartrophen which did a little good, but had no lasting effect. I took him to George & it was like a miracle! After one session Niki was bouncing around like a puppy and obviously relieved to be free of pain.

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Hi guys,

i just rang both Peter and all natural vet... i rang the vet first and they were super nice and super friendly... but I"m only a student.. its a bit costly.. like 180-200 for first consult... when I start working i will seriously consider acupuncture :rolleyes: and their herbal treatments sound really good for her skin....

I also rang Peter, he's a nice guy.. only $25 a session, a little far, but we'll make the little trek out there a day visit i guess... hazel loves car rides anyway...

ur right poodlemum, even though I dont' know if it is a pinched nerve. I don't think a little "muscle manipulating" will hurt her. If anything it'll do her better.. plus she's got some thickening because she 's prone to arthritis or something..

thanks so much guys, will le tu know how it goes

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