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Boris Is Getting Operated On Today


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Might help to ask your vet if heat packs or ice packs may help?

Also might suggest a very gentle massage towards the opening of the whole in the ear, more junk will come out (better out than in!), need to be gentle to avoid dislodging any clots etc but this will usually help. As for the neck, don't stress, that will all be absorbed at that level and I certainly wouldn't be keen to put drains into a neck unless forced to. You and your vet look like you have things well under control, give him a huge hot dog and a donut for me!!

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Boris is getting better, Vet was very happy that all the neck has reduced alot, hes not so tilted now.

The ear is still very swollen but its not as bad as it was.... very sore... he had some more shots for comfort

and the antibiotics seem to be working. Still backed up, vet didnt wanna give him anything as hes not really straining

so some chilli con carne for lunch lol

Vet said hes outta the woods and SHOULDNT lose the ear........ PHEW...

Now once the ear is healed to be able to touch it, we have to work on some preventatives as hes

likely to have this reaccur every year if Im not vigalent!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Back from the vets again, he finished all his meds and was starting to look ok, the wounds have started to heal and I cant see inside his lobe anymore but then wednesday night it started to swell again so made appt for yesty, wasnt able to make it though.

Hes on all different medicine this time to try kill the bugs including ear drops (should be fun) and tablet form cortasone and antibiotcs.. Vet thinks the last lot of drugs only killed one of the bacterias and now the other one is thriving....I dont actually understand this as he was on a mix of 4 very strong antibiotics,, or that what I was told!

Hes promised me results for Xmas lol.........

I walked out with a "bag" full of medicines (too funny)

This is one bloody deturmined bacteria!!

My poor baby... how long must he have to put up with this!!!!!

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Oh... poor Boris . Did the vet say WHAT bacteria were involved? Hope the new drugs kill it off quickly !!

The bacterias are overwhelming Staff and Strep infection and its the Strep that is resistant to the drugs we tried so starting a new lot and the drops are hopefully going to be more potent going directly into the canal as apposed to tablet form.

Edited by saintlysusan
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