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E-collars Trainer Not Guilty Of Cruelty, Ar Radicals Sued


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Ami Moore, pro e-collar trainer, Chicago, was judged not guilty of cruelty for using an e-collars, the case was preciptated by radical animal rights extremists of the 'Dgger Wirthless' variety.

Animal rights extremists groups, including PETA, are to be sued, I spoke to Ami and she has authourised me post this here.

Denis Carthy

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

E-Collar Trainer

Animal Rights Terrorists To Be Sued


Ami Moore

I am writing to let you know that I won my court case yesterday. I

soundly routed the local PETA cell and while doing so exposed their

ignorant and bigoted agenda. I want to thank the members of this list

for your support, I couldn't have survived for 18 months without it.

November 16, 2007

Accomplished Chicago Dog Trainer Ami Moore Bites Back Big

Sues PETA, Neighbor for Defaming Her Through Media, Internet

African-American Business Woman Won't be Bullied by PETA's Terror


Esteemed Chicago dog trainer Ami Moore has filed a multi-million

dollar, multi-count lawsuit against People for the Ethical Treatment

of Animals, Inc. (PETA) and a West Loop animal rights sympathizer,

charging they deliberately defamed her and her business in their

calculated and premeditated program of media and internet character

assassination in recent months.

"This is America and in this country well-funded and well-organized

eco-terrorist groups like PETA and its supporters with agendas,

should not be allowed to target and destroy innocent people and

businesses that they don't like," said Ami Moore.

The dispute stems from two misdemeanor complaints filed against Moore

in July, 2006, after Moore used an electronic dog training collar to

train a dog in a West Loop park. Such "tappers" are commonly used by

dog trainers, are considered a humane and dog friendly training tool

and are as benign as the ubiquitous invisible fence used commonly by

suburban homeowners.

Since last year PETA has deliberately, with malice and forethought,

used its web site to disseminate false and defamatory information

about Moore and her business to millions of websites around the

globe. Opresnik has made false and defamatory statements to several

Chicago-area media outlets.

"I haven't spent decades of my life learning about the dog's heart

and mind to let PETA bully me around," said Moore. "These radical eco-

terrorists habitually attack small animal related businesses need to

know that they must act responsibly. PETA is Goliath, and I am proud

to stand up for all small businesses and be their `David' in this

case. The FBI considers PETA to be a clear and present danger to the

American way of life, and I agree. Our Congress believed that the

threat from PETA and other groups to be so serious, that it passed

the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) to protect American

citizens from the malicious and felonious acts of animal right

terrorists groups like PETA. "

Moore's business, DoggieDoRight911, is located in Downtown Chicago.

Moore is an animal protection activist who has saved hundreds of dogs

and households from the pain and consequences of poorly trained and

misbehaving dogs. She has thousands of satisfied customers – dogs and

people – to prove it.

The DoggieDoRight911 Philosophy

"Dogs have the right to be educated so that they can fit into our

modern life. It is inhumane and immoral to have an untrained,

uneducated dog that is a danger to the family and the community.

Domestic dogs have the right to have the kindest, best, most

effective, and most humane training tools and methods used for their

education, so that every dog in America can have the greatest of

gifts -- a good and loving forever home."

For up-to-date news about Ami Moore please go to

www.chicagosupports ami.com. To learn more about Ami Moore, the Dog

Whisperer of Chicago and her business visit www.DoggieDoRight91 1.com.


Edited by Denis Carthy
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The DoggieDoRight911 Philosophy

"Dogs have the right to be educated so that they can fit into our

modern life. It is inhumane and immoral to have an untrained,

uneducated dog that is a danger to the family and the community.

Domestic dogs have the right to have the kindest, best, most

effective, and most humane training tools and methods used for their

education, so that every dog in America can have the greatest of

gifts -- a good and loving forever home."


People need to get off their high uneducated bloody horses. If a couple of zaps from an E-collar is worst then death you need your head read.

Good on you Ami for standing up for dog trainers and the rights of dogs from these loony tuney vegan d***heads. Sue em good.

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Well done Ami .... a daunting task I'm sure, to invest so much against the odds of groups such as PETA. It was a deserved win and many small business trainers will reap the rewards of the landmark you have achieved and created by your win.

If you're going to boo hoo a training method or training tool, prepare to stand up and state your case clearly and with good, sound broad reasoning and evidence.

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prepare to stand up and state your case clearly and with good, sound broad reasoning and evidence.


That’s more less exactly what the Scots Secretary for Rural Affairs Richard Lockheed has told the extremists in their attempts to get e-collars banned there, he is head of the Scots government dept which deals with it.

Below is the Scots stated position.

Quote - Richard Lockheed, "no decision on any such regulation can be made without robust evidence to support it"

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Quote - Richard Lockheed, "no decision on any such regulation can be made without robust evidence to support it"

I have added a link to this thread to the current one on Prong-Collars (submission to change legislation) because the above is essentially what the Labor Government has been guilty of in permitting the passing of the legislation to ban use of the collar here in Victoria. Perhaps our State Labor Government will read it.

Hopefully they will fix the mistake - it's never too late to, and if they didn't fully understand it when the legislation was first passed perhaps it is a case of mis-understanding the facts.


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