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Walking 2 Dogs


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Hi there,

Just after some advice.

I have 2 dogs, both walk nice on the lead for me, when it is one at a time. But because it is hot in the afternoon I have been trying to walk them together in the morning before walk.

My problem is that if anything exciting is near us (people, dogs, bikes, anything really) The female jumps into the male and kind of gets him in a head lock and starts wrestling him roughly and will sometimes growl. It is really hard to get them apart and I get jumped all over being in the middle of them.

I have tried different collars, using really short leads, swaping which side of me they are on and verbal correction. I even approached a trainer about this and it was suggested i just not walk them together to solve the problem.

So I guess I'm hoping someone can offer another suggestion please????

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I walk my 3 dogs together, I was going to walk them separately but couldn't bear the thought of one staying home alone and being upset so I took the plunge and decided they could learn how to behave with the three of them being walked together.

In relation to distractions I make all 3 dogs sit until the distraction goes. That way they can be near you and completely under your control with you focusing on them rather than walking as well. In fact even if there aren't distractions I do this as well for practice.

As for playing, Flash used to try and start to play with Tilly, usually at the beginning of the walk. A sharp "ahh" works as well as keeping him on a shorter lead, nearer me and Tilly out on front on a longer lead.

And a must is for both dogs to have leather leads. The control with a leather lead is just wonderful!

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Hi there,

Just after some advice.

I have 2 dogs, both walk nice on the lead for me, when it is one at a time. But because it is hot in the afternoon I have been trying to walk them together in the morning before walk.

My problem is that if anything exciting is near us (people, dogs, bikes, anything really) The female jumps into the male and kind of gets him in a head lock and starts wrestling him roughly and will sometimes growl. It is really hard to get them apart and I get jumped all over being in the middle of them.

I have tried different collars, using really short leads, swaping which side of me they are on and verbal correction. I even approached a trainer about this and it was suggested i just not walk them together to solve the problem.

So I guess I'm hoping someone can offer another suggestion please????

Hi bouncey boxers,

When you are walking your dogs is your female nearest your leg or you male? she may be the boss between the 2 dogs and so would want to be nearest you.

Does she do this to him at any other time other than walking.... say when food is near them or when you are playing with them or giving then pats?

When you walk them 1 at a time do they carry on and get to excited when seeing all the other distractions?

Sorry I just need some more info to ascertain whats behind the behavior before trying to give you some advice.

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Hi pinnacle dts,

I have the girl on my left side and the boy on the right. Both in close to me.

The only time she does this is when out walking, I have no problems with her at all inside the house or walking alone. She does get excited walking alone but not to the same extent.

This has only started within a couple of months.

Hi Onslowsmum,

I do get them to sit but I will take your advice and practice this some more. The times I have tired it where went other people were walking with dogs and the owner took it that I wanted to meet and greet. Which ended up totally insane!!!

Thankyou :eek:

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Hi pinnacle dts,

I have the girl on my left side and the boy on the right. Both in close to me.

The only time she does this is when out walking, I have no problems with her at all inside the house or walking alone. She does get excited walking alone but not to the same extent.

bouncey boxers thank you for answering my questions.

I would try and control her excitement when she is out walking alone with you first. Even if she is not doing it to the extent she is when you walk the 2 together it may be causing the problem of her deferring that excitement onto your male. It depends on whether you have let her jump around and be silly when alone and she gets some reward from this. So when you try and stop the behavior when its the 2 of them she is being denied the reward of getting excited and jumping around. The frustration of this she is then venting on your mail. After all he is the only difference in the equation. I hope I am making sense to you.

When you walk alone with her take food and a toy which ever motivates her to focus on you. Practice getting her to sit when a car passes a bike passes or other people and dogs. I know you said people take it as a sign to come and greet you but tell them before they get to you that she is in training and needs to stay still while they pass.

Keep the food or toy in her sight and near her nose while she is in the sit, till the object/person passes and then reward straight away and walk on as normal. I would use food as the first step while in the street and then a toy reward later on when you get to the park.

Once you can see she no longer gets excited about things passing then you can reintroduce your male to the walks, making the first time short even just to the end of the street and back then they both have to sit and wait and then reward both when the object/person passes. Build up the distance you walk them both gradually always making sure they are calm. I also would be doing the same thing with your male as I have given you for your female when you walk him alone in the meantime as well. You have to do this separately for now as this will give you control for bringing them together.

It will make bringing them both back together a lot easier.

Hope this helps you :eek:

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