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An Egg A Day?


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Maddie loves her poached eggs but is it excessive to give her one for tea every night?

Eggs are great for the coat, but they are also high calorie. I have stopped giving my BCs eggs as often as I used to, to try to keep their weight in check.

When I had geese, they used to lay in the gardens and my old boy would help himself to at least 2 or 3 a day. I used to have an egg hunt every day to try and find them before he did. :rofl: They didn't do him any harm, except to say he's not exactly trim.

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only know about eggs as far as humans are concerned

the albumin is the most nutritious ..its what feeds the chick as its being formed inside the shell ..right? and this egg white is what dieticians recommend for the overweight..not the fatty egg yolk

so im guessing itd be the same for dogs...whites would be ok but yolks should be restricted to one a week?

wondering which part of the egg is good for the fur...the yolk with the fat content or the rich base of protein in the white

someone will know

someone will google

and we will all benefit!

nothing like cracking an egg over a lovingly prepared doggy meal ...at least mine dont turn up their noses the way the kids do at my cooking lol

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