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Bought Some Chicken Mince Today.


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I bought maybe 2-3 batches of lenards mince before I figured I didn't want my dogs gulping down sans chewing. Part of the last lot was largely responsible for the extra foul smell when the freezer was left off accidentally. It took so many cleanings to fix...yuk! Supermarket chook pieces are discounted for a reason, last time I bought chicken marylands cut price I wasn't too impressed but confident my carnivores could handle them without problems.

I'm totally happy with the frames from my nearest Lenards. Always fresh. It probably took less than 20 minutes the other day to put away about 30 meal bases. Each one was stuffed with either beef heart or roo meat and bagged individually. Sorry, OP!

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"I would scrap the rice and vegies. Dogs cannot digest the vegies anyway and we now know that grains such as rice arent that great for dogs and can cause problems."

One of our dogs was not well and taken to the vet. The vet suggested a very bland diet was best, cooked mince, rice, grated carrot and peas. We have been feeding this and his is fine. Our pup is also eating this cooked mixture and with no problems and we have to clean up her poo immediately as she is inclined to eat it. There are no undigested veges or rice in the stools. Here I am freaking out trying to find a good diet for my dogs. I think I will stick to what I consider is right.

1/2 weebix and warm milk for brekky.

A little Royal Canin in a bowl for snacks, although I finish up throwing it out as they rarely touch it.

Cooked mince, rice, peas and grated carrot for tea.

Also 1 egg (between the two of them) in their tea once a week.

A couple of chicken necks a couple of times a week, and they love a meaty bone once a week.

They are two very healthy Chihuahuas.

Footnote. I was talking to a 93 year old lady in an aged care home and she was telling me about a foxy her daughter had eons ago. He lived to 19 years and never went to a vet and never ate dog food. He ate what they ate.

I think this speaks for itself.

Thanks to you all for your input.


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Moggy With dogs diets to each their own...Taz has eaten what we've eaten all his life...occasionally some kibble or a can of dog food. He's 10 yo and going strong. As was the case with my nans mini daschy who lived til age 15 had to be pts due to being unable to walk.

Humphrey our boxer is on home made barf...blended raw veg, raw meat, fish, eggs, offal, bones he's almost 3 and is pretty healthy. He was the runt of the litter and now is bigger then the breed standard. Still growing too!!!

Dogs might not always digest the veg and fruit fully but i know plenty that steal fresh veg, Taz steals carrots and celery. Humphrey whines for apple. My godfathers amstaff steal pears from their garden and eat then like he would a bone.

If you find a diet that works, you dog is happy, has a good physical condition and no medical problems stick with what you got :thumbsup:

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