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Advice Needed On Golden Retriever Puppy


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I think if you are committed you can work f/t and be a good pet owner you just have to be prepared. Surely it is better to be working and have a pet who is part of the family then to be at home and be neglecting your pet anyway.

that is a good point bek, my brother works casual F/t sometimes he at home working or sometimes for the whole week he might be working not at home but in the office and the dog he has now is fully grown but is as happy as larry with him. he gets everything and gets walked every night for an hour or more. loves his park runs every night. you open up my bro's cupboard and its like a dog shop :(

i just saw today a family that has owned a pair of jacks and they were always not locked up going all over the road and cars had to slow down so someone called the pound and they picked them up. the family didn't care, then i see they have gone and got more dogs and again, they are out, so it won't be long before the pound come again. these sorts of people should never be owning dogs!

I see that someone has come along and tied the kelpie, really friendly to a tree, and the family don't appear to be home they look like they have gone on holiday they haven't been there for a couple of days now.

I saw a little dog in a similar circumstance all over the road and the mother was inside somewhere with a window open watching me i could feel her eyes and her 6 or 7 yr old son was out front playing with the dog. not behind the fence in full view so i went up to the kid in a loud voice for the mum to hear, (knew she was listening) i will give you an hour thats your dog isn't it? the boy goes yes, why will you give me an hour? i said because your dog for its safety should be behind this fence, he goes ok. i said if he still isn't behind that fence within the hour i will take this dog off you go and tell mum.

he goes ok. so i went back an hour later, with a lead mind you :thumbsup: and the dog was gone. so my work was done that day. poor puppy dog. felt so sorry for it, i noticed a week later the same thing happened so i didn't say anything just went up with a lead and looked towards the house, then the dog was behind the fence again. he never got let out again after that. :confused:


:) I like your creative thinking.

In all this, remember to try and think of it from the dog's point of view.

Dog is pack animal. The fact that many dog cope with being alone 10 hours a day doesn't mean that it's ideal.

Disposable income is nice, and you must be able to afford a dog before you get one, but my dogs really just like to hang out with me. Any toys aren't a true substitute.

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I only do volunteer work, but OH is home all the time. He's retired..best life for Benji cause he just hates to be alone. As to disposal $$$ well we sure dont have left over $$ but Benji isnt missing out on anything. As to chicken necks..I used to chop them up to give to benji when he was a pup. Now he's 6 months old and i give them whole to him. There are much better bones for pups, as others have said.

My main point here being, toilet training is best done if people are home all time. Everytime a pup does a pee inside, tis a backward step.

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:o I like your creative thinking.

thank ya :laugh:

Disposable income is nice, and you must be able to afford a dog before you get one

well its good when you are a bachelor and have no kids or partner. also its nice when you have your own business then you can take the dogs with you if you like. you can pretty much do as you want with that sort of a life :cool: very nice indeed all you have is the pooch to spend your hard earned money on. not directed at anyone in particular JUST MY BRO :laugh:

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