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Puppy Had Diarrhoea With Blood -> Diarrhea Friday


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Sorry to hear your puppy is not well. I have a 6 month old little girl Wei named chloe. She too was on Bonnie puppy dry food when we got her. We soon changed her food over to a better quality dry food which we did gradually as the Wei's seem to have sensitive stomaches. I would probably take the puppy to the vet just to eliminate any serious issues.

From my experience so far any sudden change in food results in an upset stomache so if I'm going to alter chloes diet I do it gradually over a few days. Just on the vaccination issue, Chloe didn't react at all to her second vaccination however the third one was a different story. The vet used the same brand and type of vaccination as the second but Chloe reacted quite badly e.g. couldn't open her eyes due to swelling and sensitivity to light and her face and throat began to swell. That resulted in a 1am trip to the animal hospital and an antihistamine injection. I have now been advised to get an antihistamine injection with every vaccination as a precaution.

I hope he starts to feel better soon.


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You guys are great, thank you for all the responses :rofl:

poodlefan- Jaeger is finishing up at daycare today so I hope that reduces his chances of picking up bugs from other dogs. I have a general idea about what diet I want to gradually switch him over to (Eaglepack + BARF) but still have lots of reading to do on BARF. Thanks for the suggestion of a food diary, i will definitely be starting one

monsterpup- I started giving Jaeger pumpkin this week which helped with his poos a lot. He's booked in to the vet tomorrow morning so I'll definitely have a chat to him about his tummy issues. (luckily the blood was only a one-off thing and hasnt reoccured)

Wei's Mum welcome to the forum :) sorry to hear Chloe had an autoimmune reaction to her 3rd vaccinations. Which one did the vet give her? Our breeder advised us to only give him a C4 at most but for his 2nd vaccinations we went ahead and gave him a C7 as per the vet's recommendations (he assured us that autoimmune reactions were very rare).. luckily he was fine but after hearing your story I'm a little concerned

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His tummy is back to normal ;) Saw the vet on Saturday and he says it's nothing big to worry about. Most likely due to his sensitive tummy. He says that since some dogs are intolerant to certain proteins, when I introduce new foods I should do it one at a time so incase there is an intolerance I can isolate which food is causing it.

thanks again to everyone for their helpful advice

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And again... after a week of regular poos, it's back to diarrhea Friday once again. I can't believe it's the 3rd Friday in a row this has happened.

Fed him the exact same thing every day of the week, no issues at all. It wasnt bloody this time (only bloody the first Friday), but the fact that he has diarrhea for an unknown reason does worry me. And I cant understand why Friday?

At first I thought maybe the mince (human grade turkey mince) had gone bad, but he only had very little on Friday morning (we ran out), and even so.. the expiration date wasn't until till later. Also I smell it every time before I give it to him and if it smells at all strange, I don't give it to him. Other things he's had with his kibble this week are pumpkin and grated carrot- he's fine with both of these. He gets dog biscuits and liver as treats every now and then, which he's okay with too.


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Are you feeding chicken necks, wings or carcasses?

In some dogs this can cause problems - I believe it can do with sharp fragments of bones tearing at the dog's insides.

In your situation I would play it safe and not give him anything with chicken bones even if they are uncooked.

Too much pumpkin can make for runny pooh - It won't hurt your dog though.

Edited by Kaz
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I havnt seen in your posts that you have wormed this pup, did I miss it? I saw Deb mention it also. I saw in your earlier posts that he was due, I would have gone for the wormer 1st even before worrying about his diet( when in doubt 1st worm them out!) due dates dont mean much to worms unless you go over them. I would have thought your vet would have done this...did he do a test on his stools for worm eggs? Its no good filling them with scourban or the like if there is an underlying cause to the problem. Also the time factor that this pup has had dia. you will need to rehydrate him with some good minerals. let us know how he gets on. My dogs and pups get a different meal nearly every day, no one likes the same thing day in day out. so dont be scared to try something else, as long as its fresh and well balanced it will be fine IMO. dogs are natural scavengers they cant get a cow minced at 5pm every day. Try natural its not that hard to prepare. even to keep your Bonnie kibble as a filler(which is what they are) . Hogz

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Hi HogwartzBoxers. He has been wormed and everything else is up to date also (vaccinations, flea treatment, heartworm)

We are thinking of just putting him on a kibble-only diet for a week to see if it's any of the other foods that we've been giving him that's causing the problem

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Ok, just as long as he was wormed, NOW you can start looking at other issues, I would be going on a chicken broth stew rather than just kibble, when your sick or not felling well you dont always feel like a big fried/bake meal of batter/wheat, but a nice chicken and veggie soup......yum! but best to follow your vets advise. Hogz

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Hi kathyinjapan

Mason had a reaction to immunization at 11 weeks.

He had diarrhea for over a week and was unwell.

Craig was often up for hours in the middle of the night with the poor baby.

Mason would cry and roach up in pain and have terrible stools.

Took him to the vet nothing wrong just reaction to vaccine.

We fed Mason only cooked brown rice and boiled chicken and then introduced eagle pac puppy gradually a little at a time as well as cooked egg and yogurt.

Three meals a day.

The upset tummy went in about 10 days of this diet.

It was the reaction to the vaccine Akita's as well as other dogs are very sensitive to vaccines.

Mason and Bella are only fed eagle pac power and raw organic chicken mince and neck and frames with occasional pasta yogurt cheese sardines cooked eggs and a little pulped fruit.

And of course supplements.

No treats other than cheese or dried liver or fish.

This works well for us and our Akita's are in fabulous condition shiny coat and very healthy and happy.

Try the above diet should clear up any tummy upset.

As many others have said supermarket kibble is only a filler and lots of corn which irritates a dogs stomach not to mention the other stuff that is in there.

A premium dry kibble food is the best.

We give one cup in morning with chicken frame or 2 necks and a cup and a half at night with equal amount of chicken mince.

We reduce the night meal a little bit if dog is getting a little tubby.

Kind Regards



Aust Ch Lanzeon Mishka

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We starved him today and gave him a cup of kibble for dinner. His poos are back to normal... except he's been farting :laugh: . Such a mystery!

monsterpup- I'll know it's the Bonnie if he continues to have any more tummy upsets this week. Already got Royal Canin lined up next so will ease him onto that when he gets closer to finishing the bag of Bonnie

malisa1- sorry to hear your puppy had a bad reaction to the vaccination :laugh: it's not nice seeing them unwell. thanks for the diet advice but i'm cautious about introducing new foods at this stage because I know he does have a sensitive tummy and I want to isolate what food/s are not good for him.

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