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Puppy Had Diarrhoea With Blood -> Diarrhea Friday


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edit- title has been updated to 'diarrhea friday'

I'm not sure if this is anything to worry about so I thought I'd ask you guys here.

Did the usual routine this morning, fed him (Bonnie puppy kibble + handful of fresh minced meat), took him outside to go potty and he peed and pooped (a mix of hard and soft stools like usual)

Then not 10 mins after we brought him back inside he had an upset stomach and HAD to go.. had some runny diarrhoea which had a little bit of blood in it

Nothing has changed with what we've been feeding him and I know he hasn't eaten anything he's not supposed to be eating.

Husband thinks it might've been the meat, but the expiration date isnt until November 30th.

Puppy is also teething right now (has lost 5 so far) .. not sure if that would have anything to do with it.

He is due for his 16 week shot this week (we're taking him on saturday) and he's due for his worming and flea treatments next week.

We're both at work right now and pup's at daycare, but if needed I can take him to the vet tonight (they open for emergencies until 9pm)

Thanks in advance!

Edited by kathyinjapan
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Blood in stools can be evidence of things ranging from serious illness through to merely a bit of a short-lived upset stomach/irritated bowel. Were there any other signs of being unwell? (Eg. vomiting, lethargy, listlessness etc.) Have you spoken with your DoggyDayCare as to whether there have been more signs of the blood in his stools and to check on his behaviour?

This thread might do best in the "Health" forum here on DOL (you can ask Troy to move it for you), but I would suggest that unwell pups need attention pretty quickly and certainly if there have been any more blood detected in his stools and/or any signs of not being 'quite right', get him to a Vet fast.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks Erny. I've asked Daycare to keep an eye on him today and let me know if there are more signs of blood in his stools.

There have been no other signs of being unwell apart from his teething which has left him a little restless at times during the day.

I'm not sure if the blood was from the meat? Because since it is fresh it is a little "bloody"

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took him outside to go potty and he peed and pooped (a mix of hard and soft stools like usual)

Then not 10 mins after we brought him back inside he had an upset stomach and HAD to go.. had some runny diarrhoea which had a little bit of blood in it

What do you mean when you say 'a mix of hard and soft stools like usual', exactly how soft are the stools? Sometimes soft stools are hard for the dog to pass completely and the dog will strain to pass that last little bit (if you know what I mean) and any form of prolonged straining may sometimes produce a bit of blood especially in a puppy.

If the dog is passing a lot of poo and some of it is mushy I'd look at changing your dry food, Bonnie isn't a particularly good brand and contains a lot of fillers which some dogs can't deal with therefore producing inordinately large amounts of poo, a fair proportion of which is soft.

I'd suggest Nutro or Eagle Pack Holistic, these are much better quality foods and although they're more expensive you will find that you will feed less and your dog will digest them much more efficiently.

Edited by Miranda
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In addition to comments made above a little blood in a puppy's stools can be an indications of worms, and I would be checking on the worming proceedure of the puppy and his due worming date.

With respect,


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I understand what you mean about good vs poor quality food, but we're feeding him Bonnie as that's what our breeder recommends. Is it okay to not stick with their recommendation?

If the food doesn't suit the puppy then don't feed it. All dogs are different and whereas some dogs may be able to tolerate Bonnie, your dog may not. I would never feed Bonnie or Supercoat, I get heaps of mushy light coloured poo and the dogs lose condition.

Dogs should produce small firm stools, large soft poos are often caused by feeding cheap dry foods that contain large amounts of cereal, cereal is cheap and that's why it's a major ingredient in cheap kibble. A dog is designed to eat meat and foods derived from animal sources, they don't process starches well which is why high carbohydrate diets produce lots of soft poo and sometimes cause diarrhoea.

Soft stools are not normal and are an indication that your dog is not digesting his food efficiently, although this won't affect his growth I think that in this case your puppy will be far healthier and happier on a better quality food.

Please note that diarrhoea can also be caused by factors other than diet, but cheap dry foods do cause loose stools in many dogs.

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bland food you can cook up small amount of rice/veggies with chicken

As for vet recommandation. Its good to start off with what the dog is used to. For the first few weeks feed them what they are fed by the breeder. Then graually move onto what you want to feed them. Breeders recommandations arent always whats best for the dog

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A bit of an update. Daycare told us he had runny poo yesterday and again today. On the way home he was extra lovey dovey with us in the car.. turns out he needed to poo and the moment we got home he ran to the backyard and as expected it was runny.

I called our vet and he told me there is a bit of a bug that’s been going around as he’s been seeing other dogs who have been having diarrhoea too. Advised us to keep him off food (but with access to plenty of fresh water) for the next 24hrs, and after that resume him on a basic chicken + rice/pasta/potatoes diet before introducing his other food back. He added that if Jaeger begins to have other signs of being unwell to take him to the vet ASAP. We have to delay his 4 month shot another week too.

I am pretty sure he "caught" something since his poo on Monday was fine (he was home with me all day) and only became runny on Tuesday when he was back at daycare

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just be careful with the water...too much too quick and it could make him throw up! better of with small doses often. So put a few cm's of water in his water bowl and top it up often, instead of one big lot.

Poor pup, sounds like you got some good vet advice though. Only way to clear a tummy bug is to let the body flash it out by itself...extra food can make the tummy/bowel more irritated and the problem worse.

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Probably having a horrible day because he's teething, hungry and in boarding (not running around having fun in kindy) :)

I can't wait to pick him up this afternoon and give him lots of hugs and kisses :)

I cooked up some chicken thigh last night and will give that to him tonight with rice. Since I usually feed him one cup of kibble with one handful of meat, do you think that's how much rice + chicken I should give him too?

Thanks for asking by the way :laugh:

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After a week of normal, healthy poos, he had runny diarrhea again last night and this morning. I don't know what I am doing wrong :rolleyes:

His first one was last night (well, early morning) at about 4am. light brown diarrhea, not too runny. A fair amount

This morning on his walk he stopped twice, the first time was very runny and light bownish, the second time it was almost clear. Very little amount

Then when he got home he did it twice again, runny brownish and clearish.. and again there was very little.

I gave him a chicken neck last night from the batch I bought on Monday.. could it have gone off and the diarrhea be caused by food poisoning?

He was meant to be due for his shots and meds (flea, heartworm, worming) last Saturday but we had to delay it a week because of his last bout of upset stomach.. now I don't know if this will delay it even further..

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Kathy, keep a food diary. Write down what you feed and note what comes out the other end. Find out what, if anything he is being given to eat by others when you board him.

Dogs are all the same on the inside. Weimaraner stomachs don't differ from other dogs'. :rolleyes: I'd highly recommend you start a post here about best diets for growing large breed pups and reap the benefits of advice from some very experienced dog owners and breeders.

The best food for your pup will not be found on a supermarket shelf. Personally, I'd be feeding the best quality large breed puppy diet I could buy (people can recommend it) or I'd be raw feeding (which is what I do). Having your dog constantly exposed to high numbers of strange dogs in dog boarding/daycare areas is increasing his chances of picking up bugs by the way.

Next time he's got bloody poo, don't take him to be minded by anyone but a vet. If it's a contagious bug, you run the risk of him making other dogs ill.

If you really want to knock this on the head, take a faecal sample to the vet.

Edited by poodlefan
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Hi Kathy, Sorry to hear Jaeger is still unwell :rofl:

Poodlefan's food diary idea is great. Also want to echo what PF said about not exposing other dogs to him until you know what's wrong.

You could try feeding him a bit of cooked pumpkin - this is great for upset stomachs. Also some yoghurt (natural, with the acb's).

Definitely don't go ahead with his vaccinations until he is 100% well. Vaccines have been linked to auto immune reactions in Weimaraners - here's a link : http://www.britfeld.com/vaccine-thomas.htm If he is not 100% well he is more likely to experience problems.

(I'm sure you've already had this checked out, but whipworms can cause bloody diarrhea, and colitis also produces bloody diarrhea. Or some types of plants can cause problems if he's chewed them)

Good luck, let us know how he goes, and what advice the vet gives you.

Crossing my fingers for you that it's something that will resolve quickly.

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