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Training Question


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I have a question, with Cody I've been toilet training him and when he does his business outside I make a big fuss and he just looks at me like I'm an idiot :laugh: he just doesn't get excited, and I have to call him over to me to give him a pat and tell him he is a good boy, Minx comes running over and jumps about when she hears me going stupid :laugh: but Cody is just like....'oh yeah, whatever!' so is his toilet training sinking in? or is he just not an excited dog?

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I have a question, with Cody I've been toilet training him and when he does his business outside I make a big fuss and he just looks at me like I'm an idiot :laugh: he just doesn't get excited, and I have to call him over to me to give him a pat and tell him he is a good boy, Minx comes running over and jumps about when she hears me going stupid ;) but Cody is just like....'oh yeah, whatever!' so is his toilet training sinking in? or is he just not an excited dog?

He may simply not be excited LOL. Here's what I do if it is any help. The reason I do it is I want my dog to go to the toilet before we go in the trial ring... thus not losing points for fouling the ring which my little *angel* has done before. But, it is a good way of getting your dog to go quickly. Pick a word, 'wees' or 'empty' or whatever, probably something you're already doing. As soon as he does it make a fuss as you're doing but feed a treat the minute he does! Don't give a treat to Minx, even if you feel sorry for her. Get Minx to do a sit or something first, then treat. So this way Cody will become more excited about going to the toilet.

Postscript to this... has anyone ever had their dog do a 'fake' wee just to get the treat? Mine has pulled this a couple of times when I'm trying to get her to go just to get her off my back and get the treat :rofl:

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Postscript to this... has anyone ever had their dog do a 'fake' wee just to get the treat? Mine has pulled this a couple of times when I'm trying to get her to go just to get her off my back and get the treat :laugh:

;) A lady that used to train at our club told me that her dog used to 'assume the position' on command even if she had nothing to empty out. I thought that was kinda cute :rofl:

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:thumbsup: A lady that used to train at our club told me that her dog used to 'assume the position' on command even if she had nothing to empty out. I thought that was kinda cute :D

Kal would do this too. And sometimes throw me a look that I (anthropomorphisising) interpreted to read .... " :) see ... there's nothing to give .... but I'll placate you just to prove it and make you happy ................ can we NOW go to bed?" :D

Edited by Erny
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