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Daxy Marking House


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We have a beautiful little red intact male daxy 22mths old...... We had to get his tail fixed slightly shortened due to it constantly bleeding, not healing from the fur being rubbed off his tail from wagging it on pavers/concrete..... After much trying and deliberation we finally took him to the vet to fix his tail (took us a good 12months though), any way during the healing process he lived inside with us to make sure he didn't remove his bandages, in this time the vet did have him for 6 days to help the healing process as it didn't heal after 10 days of being home and everytime the bandages came off it kept bleeding...... anyway when we got him home the second time, he started to poo in the house, and then started weeing in the house....... That was 2 1/2 months ago and his marking is getting worse and worse, it used to be just on the tiles now he has progressed to the carpeted areas........

We are not sure how to stop him doing this, we have two boys that like all kids leave the back door open and he will race inside and mark somewhere and several places....... We have to make sure the back door is fully snipped to stop him getting in....... We would love to have him inside on the odd occasion but we just can't trust him anymore, he will quickly run off and mark somewhere......

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help stop our little man from marking the house, its bad enough the amount he marks outside.......

Thanks heaps for getting this far

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