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If love alone could’ve saved you... You would’ve lived forever .... :rolleyes:


1995 - 2007


I remember it like it was yesterday. My olds and I had gone on the hunt for a new dog (small, female) after the pasing of our girl, Bella a few months before. I had gone off in a sulk for whatever reason and went down one of the rows we hadnt been in yet. We had actually walked past it somehow but I ended up wandering down it. All the dogs barked and jumped around for attention and I ddint think anything was in the last cell but popped my head past to check. In the corner on one of those bed things curled up was the most cutest dog with sad eyes and big ears. His name was Chocky and after abit of "come here boy" he came over, his little tail "stumpy" wagging as he got closer. His wet nose came through the mesh and i let him lick my fingers. I knew this was my boy.

Once mum and dad came over, a little hesitant cause of his size and everything we were not meant to be looking for they agreed to 'meet him' and we waited in the yard as the lady struggled to bring the bouncing giant hyped up dog over. In an instant he was giving me kisses and cuddles and Mum and Dad both have their doubts on this gentle giant. They constantly warned me to keep my head away from his but i didnt listen. A week later after school on a Friday I went with Dad and a friend from school came along to, and we brought him home.

It sounds sappy and lame but from the first moment I saw him I knew he was my baby, he was a gentle giant who everyone couldnt help but love. Few were wary due to his size but he didnt have a bad bone in his body. Being a hunting dog he had lovely vocals and those who heard will agree he really could talk, I Love You - being his most used phrase, Stop It, Home and Mum (he always dobbed on me and dad when we played fight) He had lovely legs, big Bambi legs and when you were getting him excited he would dance around like a prancing pony, and it did hurt something rotten if he did get you with one of those giant paws.

He had the kindest gentlest nature out. Andrew my cousin, who was a premi-baby, had a blanket he carried everywhere with him. He called it his "lace". Chocky had his dummy aka a Kong ( red rubber indestrucable thing he went through 3 of due to loosing them) One day Andrew took his dummy and wouldnt give it back, and so CHock went into andys room and got his lace and as soon as andy saw that he offered chock is dummy back but wouldnt let it go. Chock being so gentle and with good manners wouldnt snatch it off him and the pair ended up having a game of chasey around the passage ways, until andy finally put down the kong, and then chock dropped the blanket and the pair quickly grabbed their favourite possessions. It was hilarious and I will never 4get that.

His fav place to sleep was in our bed, and I am glad of this as it was having to share my single bed with a giant like Chock that finally made my parents get me a double. He still took up all the room. He was human like than you could imagine. If he sneezed, i'd grab a tissue and he would manage to blow his nose - then proceed to try and eat the tissue. He was also a mischeif maker and my dog really did eat my homework. Well not so much ate he shredded. Lisa and I had spent the arvo getting things for our biology project and he then got hold of the leave samples and trashed them all.

He really was more my dog than anyones. It was only a few months we got him some family were over and my nanna after watching him follow me arond, sit when i did and watched me play - "round and round the garden like a chocky boy.. one step two step - tickle you under there" commented on the bond we had together. You'd just look at him and he knew what you were thinking and act accordingly. "round and round the garden" was also one of his favourite games and he would expose his belly for as long you would tickle him, stretching his arms out so you could tickle his underarms and he would howl and laugh - before you even got there as he knew what was comming and if you held off for to long the anticipation got to him and he'd get up and get you.

There are to many memories, to many moments, to many things he did - to put them all on here to tell everyone. You all knew him at some point and I hope you would all agree what a truely one of a kind dog he was. He will always be in my heart and thoughts and right now the hurt and loss of loosing him is unbearable. I know in time looking at his pic wont make me cry and I can talk of the memories and smile like I used to but not yet. Not now.

I love you chock and I know you're with Bella - off to run around and play with all your friends who have left before you like Winston, Candy and Tahe. I'll see you again when my time comes - and I know you'll be waiting, with you little stumpy tail going nuts!

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So beautifullySo beautifully written… I’m all teary you captured his character so well it made me feel like I knew him. What a wonderful dog he was and how lucky you both were to have had each other. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now but your in my thoughts. Hope your doing ok

RIP Chocky

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