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Sorry This One Is Yuck But I Need Advice


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:rolleyes: Sorry to have to ask this especially near meal time but I am not sure of what is happening. My puppy 4 months old does poo a lot, about 4 times a day normally. But this afternoon she has passed a poo that is about the size of a cow pad, green sledge and smelly. She has been eating the same as normal. Cup of biscuits (purina one puppy) in the morning with sardines or yoghurt, lunch two chicken necks plus fruit and dinner two cups of biscuits plus some raw food depending. The only thing different I can think of is on Monday morning my husband gave her breakfeast and poured the oil from the sardines on her food...... Should I be doing anything or should I just wait and see what happens plus am I feeding her too much and that is why she is pooing so much or is that just a puppy thing?

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What type of fruit are you feeding as some can be toxic to dogs?

At puppy's age she should be on 3-4 meals a day still. If this yucky poo continues collect a sample in a plastic bag and take it and the pup to the Vet, speak to the breeder also in case any of the litter mates have the same issue

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she is having kiwifruit, strawberries, banana, apple, paw paw and peaches. My kids have fruit twice a day so when cutting it up the dog gets some too. She is a pound puppy.

Lose the kiwi fruit... that is causing the problem. I would also avoid strawberries.. in fact keep it fairly plain, and not too frequent.. maybe just apple and pear pieces.. no seeds. If you are feeding the apple core that is also a problem. They are toxic to dogs.

Edited by Toohey
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Fruit is good but NOT TOO MUCH ! Sorry...not shouting..just saying don't feed to much of the fruit........maybe a small piece of banana and a small piece of apple one day...then a small piece of peach a couple of days later. It really sounds as if you and the kids are feeding way too much fruit.

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Firstly I would get a sample of the poop and take it to the vet.

Secondly, your pup is being fed an enormous amount of food for a young puppy. It's no wonder it poops so much.

You're feeding a total of:-

3 cups of dry food per day (not a good quality one)


2 chicken necks

a quantity of fruit

raw food- is this meat and vegies?


That is too much food for a young puppy. My adult Rottweilers wouldn't eat that much food in one day. I would cut down that quantity of food by half and I would also think at 4 months the pup can go onto 2 feeds per day.

Wouldn't mind betting the kiwi fruit is causing the sloppy green poop.

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:love: When I know read the list all put together of the food that I feed Holly, yes I can definately see that I am over feeding her, especially with the fruit. I will reduce the amount of food especially the fruit and see how that goes. I will take Kiwi fruit and strawberries off her menu....
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I have been trying so hard to make sure that I give her a well balance diet that I have managed to do the opposite, over feed her. I know feeding a puppy is not meant to be rocket science, but I seem to be making a few bo bo's. I will be going to town on the weekend, so another worming tablet is coming her way.

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