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Vomting On Innova


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Hey guys

First time poster, long time viewer here

Question on my babies, we picked up a bag of Innova last night after being told the Purina we were using as a dry food component of the kids diet was a poor choice.

Wanting nothing but the best we bought a bag last night, and gave a serving which they literally gobbled up in no time. We had never seen them take to any food like this. This was around 7.30pm

At 3am this morning i was awoken by my boy vomiting in his bedroom, and saw that my girl had also vomited recently.

Could this be an allergy to Innova? Or is it likely that they were like two little piglets and gobbled down too much an hour before bedtime?


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Usually, vomitting from eating too quickly will happen very shortly after the meal (I have Pugs and they are notorius for gutsing their food).

The vomitting could be several things;

a reaction to the food

a reaction to the sudden change of food

a reaction to the food because there is something wrong with it

another cause i.e. poisoning, virus aor some other illness.

If they appear otherwise ok, are drinking and playing as per normal I would trial them slowly again. Introduce a little of the new food mixed with the food they were used to. Slowly increase the new food.

If you see any signs of reaction when you start to introduce then immediately stop feeding it.

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  SteveBa said:
I see, perhaps I should mix in a ratio of 50:50 Purina with Innova and see how it goes?

Yes, that should be fine.

If they have the same reaction then cease the new food, watch them carefully for other signs of illness in case it is a virus or something else.

Unless you want to pay for expensive labarotory testing you will not be able to determine if it is something wrong with the food or the dog's response (such as an allergic reaction) to it. Best bet to throw it and maybe triall something else.

I can't speak about Innova or Purina as I don't feed either but from my limited knowledge, I understand they are both usually highly recommended.

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Innova is only available at Pet's Paradise...that's why I'll never buy it.

For the problem, I'd reckon it's the sudden switch that's done it. Try to begin the new food gradually, with a ratio of 1/4 new and 3/4 old food and slowly increase the new while decreasing the old.

Edited by lillysmum
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