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Summer Must Be Here


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Last Summer Angel went from one skin problem to another for several months. The other day we noticed that she had pimples on her stomach and a rash under her armpit. I don't want her to suffer again and would like to combat it before it gets any worse. Is there an over the counter allergy remedy for dogs?

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Hi Ruthless, I have a Staffy boy and he started with the red stomach last night. I just give him a Polaramine tablet, 2mg, and it goes away. I was told that I can give him one morning and night if needed. You can buy them from the chemist, over the counter. They are antihistamine. It might work for you. I think it just depends if that particular tablet suits the particular dog, otherwise there are other brands of antihistamine you could try if it is an allergy. Good Luck, I know how frustrating it can be. I use them too. :) Such a bad time of year for allergies.

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Yep, they are human tablets from the chemist. They have been around for many years, I used to take them as a kid for hayfever, when I was about 12yo. I am now 47yo so they are quite safe. :) I give my boy 1 tablet when he looks a bit red on the skin. I use the 2mg tablets. I think you can buy stronger ones as well. The vet told me I could use 1 tablet twice a day if needed. If you ask at the chemist they should help you. My chemist tells me a lot of people buy them for the dogs. Good luck ruthless, its a nightmare going through the skin problems. Very frustrating. Hope this helps you.

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See how you go. 2mg Polaramine is probably the weakest antihistamine on the market. If it doesnt work try another brand with a larger amount of active ingredient. My boy gets 10mg Claratyne twice a day. Polaramine does bugger all for him.

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My Amstaff is on polaramine tablets as well, he used to suffer really bad from skin allergies, we were in and out from the vets, but since mixing fish oil tablets, flaxseed oil and polaramine in morning and night he is doing excellent, we havent seen a rash, red paws, red tummy, or infected toe nail since..

Its great, just like sumosum said, there are a range of antihistamines you can try, not all dogs are suited for just any particular antihistamine...here's my list from a vet that you can try, if you dont see any improvements within 10 days you can move on to the next one, (it is just trial and error)

Polaramine 2mg = 2 twice x daily

Phenergan 10mg = 1 daily

Penactin 4mg = 2 twice daily

Zadine 1mg= 1 twice daily

Clarantyne 10mg= 1 daily

Telfast 90mg= 1half twice daily

Zyrtec 10mg= 1half twice daily

As you can see Polaramine was first on our list, we tried it and have never looked back, just make sure that you check the label on packets as some cause drowsiness, there are 2 types of packets, 1= 12hr relief and 2nd = 6 hr relief, Bear is on 6 hr.

He is 35kg and has 2 daily and he does well on that dose

I really hope your girl gets through this summer without having all the dramas of itching and rashes, I know exactly how you feel, its horrible, give it a try, and good luck, please let us know how she goes, I will be interested in hearing in an update.. and a pic too..

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The vet told us malaseb washes off all the yeast on his skin, it is yeast free which is why we leave it in his paws unrinsed and that too done helped alot prior to us having him on antihistamines and oil capsuals.

When he is washed his skin isnt dry or flacky, he has the best shiney coat, I get comments on his coat quite a bit, our other dog Blitz get washed with Soothe and he smells beautiful when hes been washed, but Bear's wash leaves no scent or smell, it contains no purfumes, he just smells clean..

Bear cant have anything containing yeast, we stay clear from it, alot of Smacko's and treats from the supermarket contain them, so they dont get any manufactured treats just meaty raw bones..

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So, is your problem food allergies? Cause ours is airborne as far as I know. Would yeast be an issue for us too? The vet said changing her food wouldn't make a difference. We don't give them Smackos, but we do give them Supercoat dog biscuits once a day. Must check the ingredients when I get home.

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First we changed from straight Ukanuba to raw diet and noticed a 50% reduction in his skin infections and rashes, along with the medicated wash, then we took him off the corts and vets antihistamines and antibiotics and went to natural oils, and polaramine, and since then havent looked back, it was just a slow integration of different methods.

We used to buy him Smacko's and all sorts of other treats but since the vet informed us of yeast contributing to itching, we put a stop to that as well.

When we have BBQ'S with people around we ask them not to slip the dogs any food under the table, as Bear sits under the outdoor table and waits for things to drop "accidentaly"..he's sneaky.. but we'r on to him..

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Naaaawww, he's handsome. I love Amstaffs, they're a bit big for lap dogs tho, so I'll have to stick to the fun size version :laugh:

Thanks for all the advice. Bought the Polaramine today, so we'll take it from there. I'll keep you posted :laugh:

[someday I'll have a nice looking lawn too, mark my words!!!]

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