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They Say Things Come In Threes


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They say that things come in threes, well I hope this is the last. We have had a really bad 10 days.

Monday of last week, we had to rush Brock to the vets and he ended up needing emergency surgery. On Friday we had to take Shadow there because he had hurt his leg.

When I came home, my daughter told me that Tyra's face was swollen up and that she had projectile vomited. She was just laying on my bed. We raced her up to the vets and she was in anaphylactic shock from some kind of a bite.

My vet should now be able to buy a new car. :confused:

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Thanks everyone. Hopefully this is the end of the vet visits for awhile. At least until after we mate our other girl.

Brock is back to his normal naughty and loud self. Shadow is getting better. Tyra is still not herself but is slowly getting better, we hope. The vet gave her a needle and kept her there for a while for observation and we have tablets to give her. She was in a bad way though for a while.

We have sprayed the whole house so hopefully we have got rid of whatever it was. I suppose it was lucky that Tyra was bitten and not Shadow or Angel.

Edited by Norskgra
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