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Our Pup Won't Walk Past The Front Gate ! He Hates Walks


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Hi, our Labrador pup is almost 4 months old. We waited to take him for walks until he had all his shots. At first we had no problems taking him for a walk, but as of this week, once we go past our front gate, he sits and will not move. I have tried taking treats to convince him, i have pulled at the leash etc. I dont want to force him as i am afraid i will damage his kneck.

He is acting very strange. Once i walk back to our house, he happily walks in as if nothing happened.

We also have a eating problem. All he does is jump all over us and goes beserk when we feed him. He always seems to act like he is starving even though we feed him a little over the suggested amount of Royal Canine Labrador Puppy food. I give him a lamb shank bone once a week and carrots every couple of days. 300gram of Royal Canine per day (150grm in the morning & 150 grm at night) and plenty of fresh water !

I don't know what to do !

Edited by ZEUS
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Have you talked these issues over with his breeder?

Sounds to me like you'd both benefit from attending a good dog training school. He sounds like he may need some confidence boosting (I suspect that his reluctance to leave your home stems from lack of confidence) and you'll get some great training tools to help prevent jumping up etc.

At dinner time, he needs to learn that he doesn't get his food until his bum is firmly in the sit position - have you taught him 'sit' yet?

Have you wormed him? I'd expect a Lab pup to be very enthusiastic about food (that usually lasts for life :D ) but he may need to learn some "table manners".

At 4 months, he might still benefit from 3 meals a day, rather than two.

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For the food thing.

With my pup Daire, i put him in a sit, put his bowl down.

Say wait and hold him until he is calm, thne give him the eat command.

He is doing pretty well with it.

Hey may not have enough food if he is always hungry.

Are you feeding him 3 times a day?

A pup up to about 6mo should be fed 3 times aday.

Do what you are doing for breaky and dinner and then 6 chicken necks for lunch.

Now for the gate thing.

Have you got a long lead? If so (by long i mean 2-5mt), walk out the gate to the end of the lead and call the pup. Give a gentle pull on teh lead to encourage him towards you.

If you make yourself really exciting and have some extra special treats or noisy toy i am sur eyou could get him to walk towards you. When he does, praise him heaps!

Good luck.

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When you're trying to lure him out the gate with a treat, make it something irresistible e.g. bits of chicken.

Always easier to train with food when pup's hungry, too.

It's bad for a pup's growth to overfeed. Fat labs (even puppies) aren't healthy.

The amount on the packet is only a guide- you have to adjust according to how pup looks- you should be able to feel his ribs easily, but not see all of them.

Have a look at Triangle of Temptation in the Training subforum- pinned to the top- only takes 5 minutes to do at mealtime and will cure the jumping up and going beserk within days if done correctly. Can't recommend it enough and so simple to do. Print it out and refer to it as it's best done correctly.

Good luck. He sounds like a normal lab puppy to me :D.

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Thanks for the quick replies everyone. Yes he knows the sit position and he has been wormed.

I have been giving him the recommended amount as per the petshop and the guidelines that are listed on the side of the packet of Royal Canine.

I will start to give him 3 meals a day from now on. I give him carrots because i read it somewhere. I will definately get him 6 chicken necks from tomorrow for sure. I gave him another serve of food when i read the replies. He seems to have calmed down a bit since then.

As far as the breeder goes, i will try and contact them also.

Thanks for your help everyone :D

I will let you know how we go.


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Cool, you may find he will settle a bit if he is not hungry.

Daire who is 9.5 weeks gets his breaky of dry adn mince, lunch is necks or a bone and dinner is the same as breaky.

He is excited about his food but is getting better, Hunta was mental with her food could not get to it quick enough, it took about a weel adn she settled done and would sit.

She is now 10mo and will either sit or drop and wait until i say she can eat.

Daire is getting there slowly.

It will take time but it will happen.

Maybe use ht enecks to lure him passed the gate. Go at lunch time if you can for a few days and see if it helps.

Good luck. Can we have some pics please??

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I have noticed a change already. I gave him a chicken carcus for lunch so by the time dinner is served , he should be happy. I will also try taking him for a walk, i purchased a 2.0 Meter leash today, so i will let you all know how we went.

Thanks again for all the advice :confused:


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Awww, what a gorgeous face your boy has. :laugh:

Puppies love to chew on things, so the chicken necks are great for chewing on, plus good for his teeth, cause puppies are always starving. :confused:

Just make sure his walk is more of a leisurely walk, meeting lots of people and other dogs for socialisation. :D

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Zeus,,a word of caution... a 4 mth lab MAY try & swallow the chicken necks whole!! I only give them to little pups and very fussy eaters, so I know they are chewed up! A chicken neck is just the 'right' size to maybe stick on the way down, if swallowed whole...it happened once, and there was a panic.

Chicken carcases should be fine :confused:

labs eat anything smaller than themselves, usually :laugh:

Very Cute pup!!

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I have noticed a change already. I gave him a chicken carcus for lunch so by the time dinner is served , he should be happy. I will also try taking him for a walk, i purchased a 2.0 Meter leash today, so i will let you all know how we went.

Thanks again for all the advice :thumbsup:


The new 2.0 meter leash, a few treats and a bit of a nudge seemed to work.

Thanks guy's !

I'd be lost without this great forum !!


Zeus - Wonderful news!! GOrgeous boyo you have and i am glad all the advice worked.

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Expect him to be STARVING HUNGRY for the rest of his life :D

Teach him to sit before he is given treats... that's a good start to him learning manners surrounding food.

Are you taking him to obedience? He will be growing very quickly at this stage and it will only be another 2 to 3 months before you have a full sized, badly mannered dog on your hands.

Get him under control now while he is still young and easy to teach. There should be an obedience school near you that has a basic 8 week obedience course that you can attend.

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I wouldn't put the food into water to slow him down - it may encourage bloat.

Good thought!

How about feeding him his meals in a large black KONG..all stuffed in, with a big piece of meat or cheese to block the hole ...then he will have to work at it..and eat slowly :D


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