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Blood In Faeces


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OMG, I am really stressing out, my boy is booked in to go to the vets in 45 minutes, he has diahorea and its full of blood, I am soooo having a spastic attack, 40 minutes, its the longest 40 minutes of my life.

My hubby is racing home now, all I can think of is PARVO, I thought only puppies got it, he's 15 months old, has had diahorea since this morning, my mate came to pick up her kids from work and Bear had an accident on the deck, it had big chunks of blood in it!!!

I immediately called the vets, took a sample and called OH,

All these things are running through my mind, he's been pretty off today, quite sleepy, not bothering to play with Blitz... how could I have not seen it earlier??, im bloody kicking myself.

My mate has taken the kids because Im a wreck, Ive had 20,00o cigarettes and stressing out massively...

Edited by BlitznBear
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i certainly hope its not parvo

and it certainly doesnt have to be

diarrohoea is very common and usually resolves itself

if there is blood it could be a worm infestation

so the first thing i do with cats and dogs is dose them again

also if they have been getting the runs all day then its likely that the thin surface of their colon is getting irritated so red blood appears

theres a difference btw having black old blood and red blood which is fresher

hope its all ok ...if hes been vaccinated then its unlikely that parvo has struck ...and even then it wouldnt be so severe

ur right to take him to the vet but try not to panic every time...dogs do get the miseries from time to time and diarrhoea is just the way we all get rid of something in our system...

keeping hydrated is the important thing if it persists

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Just got back from the vets, she thoroughly checked him over, he's not dehydrated but has given him a shot and put on a course of antibiotic's over 4 days, she said he had a intestinal gastro, which was causing "something???" to come away from his intestinal wall which was causing him to bleed.

She did say he had quite a lot of blood in his stool that I collected and asked what diet he was on, when I told her raw diet, she didnt say anything but suggested he have cooked chicken and rice only over the next 4 days, no raw food, no bones etc etc..

She asked if he had any biscuits with his diet which we said yes, Advantage in the morning and kangaroo mince, lean mince, beef mince,chicken necks, carcasses, lamb necks etc for dinner with pumpkin or sweet potatoe, maybe bits of cabbage, carrots etc..

She didnt seem to agree, I asked my OH if he picked up on it and he agreed, she mentioned that it could have been caused by salminela by the raw chicken, or too many raw bones, they only get raw bones once every 2-3 days..

She also said it could have been viral, but leaned toward the raw chicken, and sugested if not cooked chicken with rice then dog cann food chicken and rice.

Has anyone else had this reaction to raw chicken, Bear has done wonders on the raw diet and his allergies have cleared up immensly, she hasnt put me off but I want to know if theres anyone out there who have had experience with salmonela or any illnesses due to raw food.

OH is cooking chicken Bear chicken breast to go with his rice as we speak..

Thanks for your replies too guys, I was in a bit of a panic..

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I would not think it was the chicken but could be wrong.

Put him on teh rice and chicken diet as she suggested for a few days then wean him back onto his usual diet and see.

He may have picked something up in th eyard.

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Dogs produce hydrochloric acid in their stomachs which enable them to digest bones - it usually kills all bugs etc which explains why dogs in the wild can bury food for days , weeks, months and then return to eat it without any effect.

I suspect there may sometimes be a specific type of salmonella bug that dogs can occasionally be susceptible to - wherever they get that from can be many places - but raw chicken I doubt.

You are right to keep him on cooked chicken and rice for the next few days - it is easier to digest - therefore easier for an upset tummy to process - but try him on the raw chicken again after a few days of healthy stools - I'm sure he'll be fine.

This sort of thing only has to happen a couple of times and you soon chill out :)

Hope to see you soon for a doogy playdate!

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hmm salmonella hey

dont know \

i thought dogs dont get so sick from eating garbage as we do cos their intestines are shorter and therefore the food doesnt get a chance to get contaminated by growing bacteria

humans have longer intestines so the food takes longer to pass and therefore the bacteria can multiply and overwhelm us

is this still true... ( good Lord if i get to be any older i wonder how many things i have learned will have to be re- learned)

i suppose there are different types of bugs tho and the vets must know about the bugs and their effect on our dogs( even if they dont quite know everything about good nutrition)

i wonder if listeriosis is a problem then too....

glad to hear ur furry one hasnt got the dreaded parvo!

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Salmonella has come up as an issue before and is quite common regardless of the opinions here. Chicken is a prime suspect in each case. Salmonella has also been known to affect tinned dog foods too from memory.

Eggs fed raw to dogs can also carry salmonella.

I have heard many stories over the years from dogs getting sick from raw eggs and chicken.

Regardless, I still feed my dogs raw eggs and chicken but I ensure that it is refrigerated and always fresh. Beef I am not so concerned with when it comes to freshness, although I would never feed my dogs 'off' meat.

I can't feed my guys kangaroo meat as it is too rich for them and I suspect it is mixed with other rubbish when sold as pet food. Each time I trialled roo meat my dogs ended up with diarrhoea.

I never feed my dogs pet mince. I only ever feed human grade meats as they are not usually mixed with the crap that is mixed into pet mince.

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I agree, whilst I do feed eggs and chicken, it is also the number one and two suspect causes behind salmonella. It has been cultured many times for faecal samples and is certainly a problem in dogs. Best of luck with treating your little one!

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