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Anyone Tried These Products


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Just seen this in OT (for human use) but am curious on whether anyone has used it on their dogs and how they went?

Particularly interested in the products for clearing up ear infections and general skin itches?


Thanks! :thumbsup:

Edited to change link cos it was the wrong site ***blush***

Edited by feralpup
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We use Robert McDowell's treatments with our dogs :eek:

We first became aware of them when we were looking for alternative treatments for Stewie's Osteosarcoma. We found Robert McDowell, and started Stewie on his treatments and feeding recommendations (BARF) - Stewie lived a happy 10 months post diagnosis, mostly without needing any conventional pain killers - which is unusual for Osteo, as it is an extremely aggressive and painful cancer.

We have used his Bone Healing mix with crushed millet and linseed on Enya with her foot (flattened foot due to severing digital tendons, resulting in sesamoiditis) with really good levels of success. We also use this mixture for our "pups" as they are a large, fast growing breed.

I've been very happy with the results we have had with his products, and with Robert's accessibility - he's always very interested in how the treatments are going, and willing to tweak things to match individual circumstances.

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I just received some mixture for one of our old cats..and have NO idea how I am going to get him to take it :eek: Our cats eat mostly rabbit carcases /roo meat , and a few bikkies..this stuff tastes incredibly strong and foul..and smells - so nowhere to hide it..they won't eat fish,and don't get any commercial cat canned stuff... as they don't like it.

It also 'burnt' my tongue... this could be interesting, and uncomfortable...3 x a day!!!! :(

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We use a lot of Robert's products, more for the horses as we don't have too many health issues with the dogs - but find that all of them dislike the strong taste, so we always put the dose of herbal extract in a syringe of colloidal silver which dilutes it enough so that it tastes better and has the added health benefits of the CS.

However, it does pay to hide the syringe while getting hold of the dog/cat/horse... ;)

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We've used the eye drops on our girl as she has a small white mark on her eye from a scratch. The vet didn't think it was anything to worry about but we had the drops so we tried them. The mark is steadily disappearing and there's no problems with putting them in Koori just stands there and tilts her head. Though I'd imagine it would be a different story if it was something that she had to take orally!

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