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keeps them going much longer that way!

I must say that what occupies my dogs the longest is a goo'ol meaty bone.

Depends on the bone at my place.. :rofl: soft bones are gone in seconds with my boy - my girl does take longer. Marrow bones yes I agree keep them going the longest but I use them more as 'recreational' bones than a regular dietary staple.

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Guest LoveMyCuddledog

Would have to say Ay! here too. Triton's a ball boy & will chase anything thrown so this makes it easy but I've also recently started giving him his breaky stuffed into the kong each day. The neighbours have said this keeps the boy quiet all day, not that he was much of a barker before that. I should also mention that Triton is a strong chewer so many of his toys just haven't lasted but the kong has lasted years although is starting to show some wear n tear. He also has a kong ball about the size of a soccerball that has lasted a year or so.

Edited by LoveMyCuddledog
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Would have to say Ay! here too. Triton's a ball boy & will chase anything thrown so this makes it easy but I've also recently started giving him his breaky stuffed into the kong each day. The neighbours have said this keeps the boy quiet all day, not that he was much of a barker before that. I should also mention that Triton is a strong chewer so many of his toys just haven't lasted but the kong has lasted years although is starting to show some wear n tear. He also has a kong ball about the size of a soccerball that has lasted a year or so.

I do that too. Everyday before going to work I leave a Kong with frozen goodies for each of my girls. However I estimate it takes them only about 30 min to eat it :rofl: . But after that they go to sleep :laugh:

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A cheaper thing both my dogs like are those bone-shaped whitish chew toys (like Nylabones). Sorry can't remember the name, but come in a large size and only about $8 in Woolies, Big W, KMart etc.. Don't last more than 2 months, though. They also like the cheapie, coloured rope toys both for chewing and wrestling over (about $5).

Any chew toys left out in the sun deteriorate quicker.

It's better that you rotate them, anyway, and all toys should be kept by YOU as leader, anyway.

I tried a cheap treat ball- my older dog became so annoyed by it, that he chewed off the door that the treats come out of in frustration!

Many cheaper toys are rubbish. Not worth buying.

Know your prices, too, as you'll find the same thing can cost double (or more) depending where you buy :thumbsup:

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