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My Greyhound Trainer Has Quite ?


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our dog is now 20 months old . it hasnt raced yet, it is on a pre race training program . for another 3 weeks . the trainer has not kept in contact with us . or kept us informed on the dog . he took the naming papers, hasn't registered the dog. nor let us know when it's racing will start. we have kept payments up to date. the person in the syndicate that knows him. asked him to keep us all updated on the plan .

the next day he rang and suggested we get a new trainer. very disheartening . apparentely the dog is doing everything it should is showing and is showing ( cant think of the word) .

feel let down . anyone know a good trainer . or suggest what to do now . ??????????

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  frank said:
our dog is now 20 months old . it hasnt raced yet, it is on a pre race training program . for another 3 weeks . the trainer has not kept in contact with us . or kept us informed on the dog . he took the naming papers, hasn't registered the dog. nor let us know when it's racing will start. we have kept payments up to date. the person in the syndicate that knows him. asked him to keep us all updated on the plan .

the next day he rang and suggested we get a new trainer. very disheartening . apparentely the dog is doing everything it should is showing and is showing ( cant think of the word) .

feel let down . anyone know a good trainer . or suggest what to do now . ??????????

Hi Frank

I know how you feel. The original trainer that was to take my girl couldnt as she became very ill shortly before and required extensive hospital treatments. :) (the trainer that is, not my dog)

There are plenty of greyhound trainers that advertize in the papers like The Leader and Recorder. Most of them you have to book in some weeks/months ahead of time, especially if they are regarded as the good ones. My girl was broken in by Anthony Azzopardi in Richmond. I couldnt be happier with the way he treated her. He is Moneyshot Lodge in the Leader. Dont have the number handy.

I dont know any actual trainers that keep the dogs after breaking in so cant help you with that one. The initial beaking in takes about 4 weeks and costs around $300- 350 depending on who does it for you.

I went to the local trial track and asked around for recommendations. It is amazing what you get told about who to use and who to stay well away from, how the dogs are treated etc.

As for actual training I am doing it myself. I wasnt too sure about doing it but spoke to lots of trainers and they all said go and do it yourself. This is my first grey and believe me it is really easy. There are plenty of really nice grey people out there that will give you advice, just get out to the tracks and meet people. Lots of them are willing to help.

I am just waiting for my girl's name to come back and then she is off to the track. No more dog shows which she will be happy about as she is really bored with them. Even though she was RUBIG on the weekend

Good luck and let us know how you go.

Edited by shantiah
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It's disappointing when the trainer doesn't come up to expectations Frank. I had all sorts of problems finding a trainer up here in Brissy who had a vacancy (well, one I knew and trusted anyway) so I ended up sending two pups to a friend in Victoria. :happydance2: Disappointing because part of the point of having them was for me to watch them race (in person rather than on Sky Channel!). As it turned out, one of them proved to be slow, so he has come home to be a pet, and the other one is trialling in preparation to commence racing, hopefully in a few weeks time. Can't point you in the right direction for a trainer in NSW...sorry. Good luck.

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thanks guys . i'm dissapointed in my syndicate of 9 people . it wasnt my idea . however . now i am one of 2 people who seem involved , the others havent lifted a finger. i really dont want this dog as a pet . before she even races. never follow someone elses idea. we''ll have to see how this one pans out . if all expires i will offer her back to the breeder for free. as she kept 5 of the litter . and they are all already racing and all 5 are proving well. one of the litter was purchased from a wealthy japanese business men who had a special interest in the littters parents.

anyhow . hope it goes well . i'll keep my fingers crossed and keep pushing forward . the dog deserves a go.

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  frank said:
now i am one of 2 people who seem involved , the others havent lifted a finger. i really dont want this dog as a pet . before she even races. if all expires i will offer her back to the breeder for free. as she kept 5 of the litter . and they are all already racing and all 5 are proving well.

Please register your dog with GAP asap so if the breeder doesn't want her back and you don't want her she will at least have a chance of a home. They have a long waiting list though so the sooner she is on it the better.

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