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My Guys Keep Scratching


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Hi well Minx and Cody are always scratching...Minx being a staffy has itchys all the time and am currently washing her in Malasab (sp?) and Cody when I first got him put puppy Advantage on him, but he is still scratching??? he does not have fleas, but could he have a reaction to the advantage?

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Been using Aloveen for 2 years and the conditioner, with no change at all :)

Edited to say she now has some sores under her belly where she scratches and on the insides of her back legs where she is always biting :rolleyes:

Edited by kittyhawklee
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I have a few thougths on this as I have itchy dogs too!

Have you got any Wandering Jew in your garden? Even 1 sprig of it can cause heaps of itching and it grows prolifically if left unattended. What you are describnig sounds like a contact cause. One of mine has been itching for a couple of days - found 4 sprigs across a large area in a raised border, have to go up there at least once a week to try and keep it in check but one brush against it is all it takes!!! My dear departed foxy was actually allergic to grass and frequently had sore legs/stomach from contact with certain kinds of grass.

Some dogs only need one flea bite and they can't stop scratching. Don't wash the dog within 48 hours either side of flea treatment.

Malaseb is harsh, I have one dog that is always chewing her feet. Washed her in Malaseb and she was far worse so have gone back to Aloveen. I don't put flea treatment on her because I feel it can worsen things. I put her on Proban (flea treatment in tablet form) and that seems better for her at least.

Edited by dogmad
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My dog is atopic and I am supposed to bath her a couple of times a week. I am using Pyoderm S on her body and Malaseb on her feet.

Have you tried any anti-histamines?

Remember spring is the worst time for contact allergies.

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We have carpet throughout most of the house, and Minx has always had itchies, also we have noticed that she stinks :) she is more smelly lately, so is this due to her skin being itchy? we bath her but by the next day she smells again :cheer:

Edited by kittyhawklee
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With Cody, it's really important to rinse, rinse, rinse VERY thoroughly. Poodle coat is thick and it's easy to leave shampoo in there (irritates skin). Conditioner can help get rid of excess shampoo and is nice on poodle coat.

I'd try antihistamines from the vet, too for Minx- much less side effects than steroids, though you need to experiment to find which antihistamine suits her best. You can use human antihistamines, but need to get the right dosage from vet.

Do you have a slicker brush? You could try that on Minx, too, to get rid of excess hair.

With Cody, part the fur as you brush so that you get right down to the skin- poodles can have debris/ pollen left in their coats. Finish with a comb.

Grooming tools:

post-6819-1191891382_thumb.jpg post-6819-1191891405_thumb.jpg

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Thanks Poodle wrangler...yes I do have a slicker brush, and I've been brushing him about every 3rd day to get him use to it :cheer: and he puffs up nicely :) and I'm going to take him to a groomer for his bath and blow dry and puppy clip so he will be well use to all the fuss when he is older.

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Sounds like your dog has a flea allergy,You don't need to see fleas to have the allergy.Some dogs all it takes is one bite for them to start itching.

Try using a flea product like Frontline in conjuction with PERMOXIN as it will repel fleas and is excellent for treating dogs with allergies.

Try using the ALOVEEN shampoo and leave in con with the above.

If you are using Malaseb shampoo it MUST stay on for 10mins before rinsing off or it will have no effect,you are also better off using Pyohex conditioner with the malaseb shampoo.

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Sounds like your dog has a flea allergy,You don't need to see fleas to have the allergy.Some dogs all it takes is one bite for them to start itching.

Try using a flea product like Frontline in conjuction with PERMOXIN as it will repel fleas and is excellent for treating dogs with allergies.

Try using the ALOVEEN shampoo and leave in con with the above.

If you are using Malaseb shampoo it MUST stay on for 10mins before rinsing off or it will have no effect,you are also better off using Pyohex conditioner with the malaseb shampoo.

Hi, we have Advantage on them, so they dont have fleas at all, and I've been using Aloveen shampoo and conditioner on Minx for the last 2 years, and yes I left the Malseb on her for 10 mins....no change!

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Hi...if minx has a distinctive smell..it MAY be a yeast or bacterial thing on her skin.Have you asked the vet?

I had a dog with this, and apart from washing him in one of the medicated washes..I was told to wash and dry between his toes and under his tail at least once a day. Apparently these areas are where the nasties like to breed up, being moist and a bit dirty... the dog licks/chews, and thus spreads it.

Best to get a proper diagnosis first..

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