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Vet, Chiropracter, Occupuncturist, Muscle Man . . .?


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My foundation bitch is a bit over 10 and is limping from the shoulder on one side. I've tried glucosamine and anti-inflammatories with no noticable effect, and will get some Sasha's blend next time I'm at Better Pets and Gardens . . . but I suspect it may be something other than arthritis. . . perhaps something pinching or out of alignment. I normally go to either Applecross or have the local mobile vet out . . . but I haven't been that impressed with either on muscular-skeletal-nervous system problems. I'd like to try alternative approaches before diving into the whole X-ray scene.

Can anyone suggest someone in Perth Metro (prefer SOR) who is good at feeling a dog over to figure out what is going on . . . and, hopefully, correcting it or lessening the pain.

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90% of the agility people in WA use Liz Frank who works from Millpoint vet Practice opposite the zoo in South Perth. She specialises in myofacial pain and dysfunction, chronic pain and arthirits. She only works Monday afternoons. Ph 94741043

I have also tried bowen therapy and recommend Tracy Hockley in Jandakot 0414721373.

If my dog was sore I wouldn't be seeing a normal vet I would be seeing either of the above two - just depending on which dog was sore.

Good luck

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Have you tried Joint Guard

Glucosamine on its own isnt as good as using a Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM combination like Joint Guard

Sasha's Blend has raw ingredients so it isnt as strong as Joint Guard, I used it on Mum's dog and it didnt have any affect, but responded really well from Joint Guard :thumbsup:

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I would highly recommend trying a product called Flexicose. I tried Sashas, Joint Guard, normal human glucosamine & fish oil caps etc & saw no improvement in m boys limp... but after a few weeks on Flexicose, the limp was barely noticable... even after exercise. You have to order it from the States, but delivery is usually within 2 weeks. :thumbsup:

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Cool. Thats the human version which is exactly the same. The doses just are different. I think the prices from the states are a little better & when I first bought it I preferred to have the pet doses on the bottle.

This is where I buy it from:


For one bottle it's US$28.95 which is approx AU$34. I tend to buy it 3 bottles at a time now so I don't run out (on the occassion I did run out, his limp got a lot worse until he went back on the Flexicose. For 3 bottles I think I am paying around AU$26 per bottle with the current exchange rates. :D

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Thanks, everyone. I decided to start with Liz Frank because I understand she uses various techniques and was once recommended to me by a vet I respect . . . I wish it were efficient to try everything/everyone at once, but that generally creates a confused -- and expensive -- muddle.

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I have an apt with Liz this arvo.

The initial consult is expensive and then she will probably see the dog a few more times. I think a review is about $49 if she uses needles - so make sure you take your credit card :D

Good luck - let us know how you get on

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