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Keeping Weight On A Gsd

Guest Robatife BCs

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Guest Robatife BCs

Hi all,

We have a 10 month old GSD who's weight has fluctuated since she was a pup. From what I understand this is a common thing within the breed but I was wondering what makes their weight go up and down if there are no changes to their diet or environment?

I am constantly increasing her food levels to keep weight on her and it will work for a while, then out of no where the weight will drop again.

It happens so suddenly, she was looking good a few weeks ago, and I didnt notice until today when some friends commented that she had dropped weight, she is looking too thin.


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Guest Clover

My four year old Border Collie (Elvis) has the same problem, i am forever upping his food because he drops weight so quickly then cutting back because he puts on too much weight :thumbsup:. It does get frustrating.

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This is more a secondary question than an answer . . . but I find GSD's are all over the place re diet in my boarding kennel. Some eat huge quantities and stay thin. Others eat much less than I would expect and are on the chunky side. I'd be interested to hear if GSD breeders observe the same.

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Guest Robatife BCs
This is more a secondary question than an answer . . . but I find GSD's are all over the place re diet in my boarding kennel. Some eat huge quantities and stay thin. Others eat much less than I would expect and are on the chunky side. I'd be interested to hear if GSD breeders observe the same.

It is a frustrating thing with GSDs, people are always saying "god she is skinny get some weight on her", she eats a lot so I know im not causing it, must be the breed or size of the breed.

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I've got my third GSD now, and have to say, some are easier than others.

I like to keep mine lean for showing (and their joints), but my last girl was always hard to keep the weight on. She got fed a fair amount, but just wouldn't put on weight. I think part of it was that she was more active than I realised with our other dog, as she put on a lot of weight when we lost him. The other part, I think, was that she was an anxious girl. She had bad separation anxiety, due to something that happened before we got her, and I think this nervous energy was also what burned off all of her food.

I've now got a 9 month old girl, and she's the complete opposite. While she doesn't like being on her own, she doesn't stress, she just sleeps most of the time. She's very easy to keep the weight on, although as I try to keep her lean, I have to be careful that she doesn't get too thin. I have noticed, though, that as soon as she goes out and has a really good run with other dogs, that she does lose weight in the next day, so I then need to increase her food to keep up with the amount of energy she is burning off. She's still growing as well, though, so I need to watch her for weight loss due to growth.

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I have the same problem with my 15mth old female Std Poodle :D I have tried Satin balls & yes she loves them....when she is in the mood. She just doesn't seem that fussed in eating. I also have 3 others dogs, Poppy carrys on when it is food time....then walks away like I am feeding her poison :) She is happy to let our 16yo cat eat her food.

She is a pain in the bum, many a judge has commented on her condition in the ring.

I wish I new the answer to getting weight on my dogs!!!!!

Edited by Poodle Mum
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Guest Robatife BCs

Thanks for everyones comments, I took her to the vet today and he seems to think it was quite normal :D

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I've found that with the lines behind my dogs, they are hard to keep weight on until 2 years old - once they turn 2 their weight seems to be much more consistant and if they need a couple of kilos put on, its alot easier to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We always had oodles of problems keeping weight on our male GSD, and have tried everything (special homemade diets, supplements, expensive dry food) - found Bonnie Working Dog Formula and he has never looked better. It is for working kelpies and the like who run all day, since starting he has put on weight and also keeps in on - no more fluctuations. Truly is fantastic stuff. They also have a puppy formula so you might try that.

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One of my gsd was always underweight,the vet used to make comments about it whenever she had to go in.

I changed her to Nutro Lamb & Rice and she has now put on weight,so much to the point i'm going to have to cut her back a little :) or maybe its just middle age spread like myself :)

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I have a constant battle with a very active Pointer male, has been the case since he was little. He is fed two meals a day of dry with a stew mixed through and he also gets lamb flaps.

If you have ruled out medical conditions , then it's just one of those things and you need to find a diet that works for that dog. It took me a while to get this boy right but he stays covered now.

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