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My 8-year-old kelpie X loves agility. But due to her age and the fact that she had HD and is now frightend of things like the A-frame, we started 'Agidience' when we were back in Germany. It's a mixture between agility and obedience. The jumps are very low and there's no weave poles and no A-frame but instead there are obedience excercises to do. It's excellent for older or handicaped dogs. I actually ran courses in Germany. Does any of you know if something like this is offered here in the Brisbane/Caboolture area?

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Well, it's still faily new I think. Like I said a mixture between agility and rally-O. As far as I'm aware it's quiet popular in the USA and Canada. It was heaps of fun and despite old dogs we also had a lot of puppies in the class. As they aren't allowed to jump until fully grown makes it heaps more fun to practice obedience and chuck a few agility things in, so I will be easier later on.

If agidience isn't offered here (what I assume I haven't even been able to find rally-O), I will enquire what I need to do to start up a course at a local club. Don't want the Oldies to miss out! :(

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umm... I have heard of modified jump heights in normal agility being done in melb... dont know who does it or what it is called - could just be a single club... not sure - just know a friends daughter did it with her oldie. Perhaps someone from vic will know something about this??

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I've heard of agility/obedience but I can't remember where, although I doubt there is any in Aust at the moment (but feel free to prove me wrong! :( ).

Bridgie cat- Do you mean the agility organisation NADAC? In NADAC one can choose to enter their dog one height category lower then normal.

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Some cccq trials run a veteran class as well... just for a bit of fun. I know when I lived in far north Qld most of the clubs would run a veteran class after the final agility and jumpers classes for the day - no timing or entries or anything, just a chance for the oldies to have a run around a course again. My old boy used to love it! Agidence sounds interesting... perhaps you should start a club! :laugh:

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Hey, that sounds totally fantastic!!! I actually have been doing a little of this in the ring to increase my girl's enjoyment of heeling and it has gone thru the roof because of it. Sending away in the middle of heeling pattern to jumps. Weavers, around cones, low stuff mixed in with heeling. The dogs really get into it if mine is anything to judge by and would this be a good way to start youngsters off forAgility who are too young to do the big stuff yet? Sounds great!

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I found a club which offered Rally-O (comes close to agidience) but it didn't run well. anybody interested? maybe we can start it back up again?

I've seen agility clubs where you can do lower jumps but the A-frame is NOT the thing to do for a dog with HD!

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