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We Where Making Progress Than A Frog Croked!


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:) I was trying to convince Holly to walk on the leash, bribing her with food and we where making a small amount of progress until a frog crocked, she bolted and hide on her bed on the patio. So I went back to the patio about two metres from her, called her put her into sit before giving her a food reward. I kept repeating this until I had her sitting where the frog was crocking, is this how to handle situations that make her scared? closing car doors and loud noises.

For those wondering, no it is not raining here the ground is brown and dead I think the frog is wishfull thinking :(

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Yep! Try getting her to the point where she doesn't need any treats at all.

Sam used to do the bum dance for loud noises, he kept his head in pretty much the same spot, but his butt'd do a great big circle until he was facing the other way...I know where you're coming from. The sitting where she can hear in just tells her that even though it makes noise it won't come and eat her. I think it'll have to be done with other noises too, it won't take so long with other noises.

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Sounds like you have a rather timid puppy. Really important not to nuture this behaviour, don't reassure her everything is ok, don't pat to her when she's being scared, just act as nothing happened.

What you did sounds fine. Getting into a good leadership mode will help her not be scared of things, as she knows you're there to protect her.

Edited by sas
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