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Puppy Training


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Consistency is the most important part of dog training.

Youngsters only have a short attention span, so short frequent "lessons" are best.

Mind you, if your dog is allowed freedom, 23 hours per day, while in the backyard, it will find its own rewards.

If your dog is a house dog, you, like so many others, can "train" more frequently.

We all speak of consistency, but how often, do we ignore unwanted/undesired behaviour in the house.......as we are on the phone, cooking, friends visiting etc etc.

We all need to be more consistent, thus teaching our dogs to generalise......after all dogs live (and learn) for the moment.

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Pup's not too young to join an obedience club now.

:thumbsup: Do I need to have Holly trained to walk on leash before joining obedience club? At the moment I have to carry her when we are out, the moment a leash is attached to collar syhe drops to the ground and cringes. I can get her to take a few steps with food rewards held out in front of her. Before joining dog obedience should I wait for the remainder of her vaccinations to be done she has only had first batch? Plus get all clear from vet as she is on antibotics?

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I would attach a short light lead to your pups collar and let her drag it around until she is used to it. Of course only do this when you are home to supervise her but don't baby her, just make it a non event and she will soon get used to it. I would have the light lead approx 600 cms.

When she can cope with this without reacting I would tie your puppy up to something solid, just for a couple of minutes until she settles then release her.

When she is comfortabel doing this it will be time to take her for an onlead walk. If you are consistant she should be walking onlead in around a week if not sooner. :rofl:

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