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One of the pups from my last litter (4 months of age) was taken to the vets late yesterday. He was very stiff apparently and couldn't walk and had a temp of 41. On examination the vet found that an area on his spine, just in front of his hips, was sore. He was given a double dose of metacam and some antibiotics with a possible diagnosis of Discospondylitis.

He has responded well to the treatment and has been walking around this morning but he is still quite weak and is resting a lot.

He went to puppy preschool on Monday night and was playing and running around normally. On Tuesday morning he was quiet but by the afternoon had deteriorated. The owners were very worried by his condition.

Has anyone experienced symtoms like these before or had a pup diagnosed with Discospondylitis?

Thank You


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If it were me I would be taking him back to make sure his temp really is down, and if he is not much improved by tomorrow night/Friday ask for a referral to a specialist...wouldn't play around with spinal pain + fever.

I'm not sure if these conditions are ever seen in your breed but I'd be worried about Meningitis and Immune Mediated Polyarthritis.


Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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Thanks Mel

I haven't heard of those conditions in Boxers before but will let the owner know of them. I spoke to the owner last night and he was much better. I just got home from work so I will give her a ring shortly and find out how he went overnight. I also suggested a specialist as it would be good to have a definate diagnosis.



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Thanks Mel

I haven't heard of those conditions in Boxers before but will let the owner know of them. I spoke to the owner last night and he was much better. I just got home from work so I will give her a ring shortly and find out how he went overnight. I also suggested a specialist as it would be good to have a definate diagnosis.



Sounds promising, hopefully he is on the mend and just played a bit too hard. :thumbsup:

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No it wasn't Rogue, but she told me that she had met someone at obedience and I guessed it was you :rofl:

Staff'n'Toller (Mel)

I am now thinking he has picked up a nasty virus and just happened to have a sore back(probably from playing too hard at puppy preschool) at the same time. He hasn't had any metacam since Wednesday morning and is back to his old self apparently. He will finish his course of antibiotics and hopefully that will be the end of it.

Thank you for your help :rofl:


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Karen I hope the little one is OK.

We use a fantastic animal natropath Patricia , they also go to show training at Caboolture and if owner is concerned please Pm me and I will send you Patricia's details.

Sorry we have not had a chance to catch up it gets too busy at shows at times.

I must come and cuddle some boxer babies :o

Hope they are doing well their mum is a stunning example.

A very pretty Boxer girl.

Kind Regards


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