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I Need Drive For My Puppy.

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i realy need help in getting my puppies drive up... i have done the crateing method but dosent seem to be working ... she plays a bit but loses interest after a while, i need as much help as any one can offer... i have used rags balls tugs kongs.... but she likes biting me instead of the toy, is there a way that i could put something on my arm to get the drive up then transfer it to the ball,tug ect?

she is 5 months old and she should have drive... and i have been doing work with her. On monday i done 7 sessions and put here in the crate she got a little better... and should i still do obidience and tracking with her or just work on drive... can people send me links of good web site any thing will be a help. shes stop teething 1 week ago.

can every one plz put as much done as possible i would be most greatfull..

thanking you in advanced


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Why do you need to create drive? Can you tell us more about what you want your puppy to do and what your plans are for the puppy? Also what type of drive are you trying to increase?

i am trying to increase prey dive (play drive).. i am useing the crateing method so that when she dosent play with me she goes in there sorta like a time out.. my plans are so that i have a social puppy which has lots of drive and will play tug go get the ball. and do retrevials and do jumps ect..

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Some dogs have it and some dont. Perhaps yours just doesnt have enought genetically...

You can increase it by doing what you are doing (providing you are doing it right) but if she doesnt have it in her genes than perhaps you should look at other training methods.

How is she with food?

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make the sessions short and stop when she is really interested. Dont push the puppy to do more than it can, it will just get bored with it.

her breeding line are breed for it (high drive dogs)...

not every puppy from two show champions or grand champions is a show prospect let alone a guarateed future champion. Same with drives...

IMHO if I had a child that was great in soccer and hopeless in piano I wouldnt push the piano lessons, Id do a lot of soccer.

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I have two suggestions here. One is, and I don't know where on earth you could get it but Kelpie-i might know as I heard her mention it at a lecture once. Apparently there is a video somewhere of how to do schutzhund with food as the reward and it's really good. I'd like to see that as I can't imagine it, food being the end of the predatory drive sequence but if your dog turns out to have below the necessary prey drive it might be an avenue to look into.

To build drive, I wouldn't bother to crate if it hasn't shown any help. Abandon it. Try something else. My suggestion (and yes, I have become a 'hoseaholic' lately LOL) is to get a thirty centimetre long piece of hose - two actually - and work on conditioning the dog to hose. Then what you can do is tuck the hose along your forearm and if the dog is focussed on your forearm then you have the hose there, ready. Now, to stop the dog jumping and biting your arm using this you put it under your left arm but put your right, fingers spread, in front of the dog between the dog and the hose under your forearm. This does work. I've done this with great success and boy the drive I've been getting out of my dog lately has been exceptional. I have too much a lot of the time and the dog surges too far forward. Have you heard of the Leerburg DVD Training Drive, Focus and Grip? This is a goody for showing how to build drive with Bernhard Flinks imho. It helped me a lot anyway.

If you are in NSW, K9 Force is the man to see of course :birthday:

Hope this little bit of info from a novice Drive fan helps!

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make the sessions short and stop when she is really interested. Dont push the puppy to do more than it can, it will just get bored with it.
her breeding line are breed for it (high drive dogs)...

not every puppy from two show champions or grand champions is a show prospect let alone a guarateed future champion. Same with drives...

IMHO if I had a child that was great in soccer and hopeless in piano I wouldnt push the piano lessons, Id do a lot of soccer.

im not doing shows... she is allright at piano as you put so im trying to bring it out and make her better at it and if she has no drive there is no point in doing obdience or tracking i need all 3 phases.... but do you have any methods i could use or websites i could go to...

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I have two suggestions here. One is, and I don't know where on earth you could get it but Kelpie-i might know as I heard her mention it at a lecture once. Apparently there is a video somewhere of how to do schutzhund with food as the reward and it's really good. I'd like to see that as I can't imagine it, food being the end of the predatory drive sequence but if your dog turns out to have below the necessary prey drive it might be an avenue to look into.

To build drive, I wouldn't bother to crate if it hasn't shown any help. Abandon it. Try something else. My suggestion (and yes, I have become a 'hoseaholic' lately LOL) is to get a thirty centimetre long piece of hose - two actually - and work on conditioning the dog to hose. Then what you can do is tuck the hose along your forearm and if the dog is focussed on your forearm then you have the hose there, ready. Now, to stop the dog jumping and biting your arm using this you put it under your left arm but put your right, fingers spread, in front of the dog between the dog and the hose under your forearm. This does work. I've done this with great success and boy the drive I've been getting out of my dog lately has been exceptional. I have too much a lot of the time and the dog surges too far forward. Have you heard of the Leerburg DVD Training Drive, Focus and Grip? This is a goody for showing how to build drive with Bernhard Flinks imho. It helped me a lot anyway.

If you are in NSW, K9 Force is the man to see of course :birthday:

Hope this little bit of info from a novice Drive fan helps!

i have the ivan balabanov dvds that teaches tracking drive focous grip ect.. but she has drive for me i need her to transfer it to some thing elese and thank you for that advice i will try it. do you have any more?

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Id love to do it, but my dog doesnt have enough drive for the bite work.

She can however hang off a toy held by someone other than me.

Do you belong to an IPO club, if you do what do they say?

yes i do belong to a ipo club and they say the crating method but its not working.. and i wanted more opions

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I have two suggestions here. One is, and I don't know where on earth you could get it but Kelpie-i might know as I heard her mention it at a lecture once. Apparently there is a video somewhere of how to do schutzhund with food as the reward and it's really good. I'd like to see that as I can't imagine it, food being the end of the predatory drive sequence but if your dog turns out to have below the necessary prey drive it might be an avenue to look into.

To build drive, I wouldn't bother to crate if it hasn't shown any help. Abandon it. Try something else. My suggestion (and yes, I have become a 'hoseaholic' lately LOL) is to get a thirty centimetre long piece of hose - two actually - and work on conditioning the dog to hose. Then what you can do is tuck the hose along your forearm and if the dog is focussed on your forearm then you have the hose there, ready. Now, to stop the dog jumping and biting your arm using this you put it under your left arm but put your right, fingers spread, in front of the dog between the dog and the hose under your forearm. This does work. I've done this with great success and boy the drive I've been getting out of my dog lately has been exceptional. I have too much a lot of the time and the dog surges too far forward. Have you heard of the Leerburg DVD Training Drive, Focus and Grip? This is a goody for showing how to build drive with Bernhard Flinks imho. It helped me a lot anyway.

If you are in NSW, K9 Force is the man to see of course :birthday:

Hope this little bit of info from a novice Drive fan helps!

i have the ivan balabanov dvds that teaches tracking drive focous grip ect.. but she has drive for me i need her to transfer it to some thing elese and thank you for that advice i will try it. do you have any more?

HELP K9 LOL :rofl:

Okay, when you say she has drive for you, do you mean you can get her fired up and she goes your arm etc. ? If you are saying this, you need to transfer that onto the article. I know, easy to say hard to do but in my time with my dog I have gone from balls to tugs to hoses. You can do this by removing the prey object altogether for a while. OBVIOUSLY you can't do that with yourself!!! Is that what you mean? My only other advice would be to make the hose, if you swap to hose, or small bite roll or whatever, very high value by only allowing play when you play with it. I don't quite understand what you mean. To 'make drive' you move the object very quickly side to side or away from the animal, never towards it. You then let the animal have it after they have performed something they know like 'sit'. Pretty simple but you gradually build on this. maybe you just haven't found the right prey item to build drive. Think outside the square a bit. You can use more than one for different situations I've found too. To build drive in the recall forget about e-collars LOL. The best way I've found is with a bite roll. So I use a bite roll specifically for the recall. I don't know if any of this is helping you at all!!! I think it might come down to the prey item with you. But crating... nope, I wouldn't do it. For IPO you still want a hugely strong bond with your dog. You create this by working/playing together. Crating works to a degree, I believe, but I also believe that if you need to work on bond strengthening, retreival/recall games are the way to go. They build drive, they build the bond. Use your prey item during them and the drive should build. Well, that's been my experience with my dog and others I've seen and suggested to.

Where are you situated? K9 could help you :laugh: A guy called Mark Murray in Vic.

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How long have you been doing it?

How do you do the excercises? for how long, how many times a day?

Will the dog play with you willingly everywhere you take her?

Will she play with another person?

Do yo give a comand for the prey work?

Oh and how about a video so we can all see what you are talking about.

ps - im no IPO expert by any means, but I have seen/send several dogs to the IPO club and hardly any of them despite what the owners thought were drivey enough to do the work.

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I have two suggestions here. One is, and I don't know where on earth you could get it but Kelpie-i might know as I heard her mention it at a lecture once. Apparently there is a video somewhere of how to do schutzhund with food as the reward and it's really good. I'd like to see that as I can't imagine it, food being the end of the predatory drive sequence but if your dog turns out to have below the necessary prey drive it might be an avenue to look into.

To build drive, I wouldn't bother to crate if it hasn't shown any help. Abandon it. Try something else. My suggestion (and yes, I have become a 'hoseaholic' lately LOL) is to get a thirty centimetre long piece of hose - two actually - and work on conditioning the dog to hose. Then what you can do is tuck the hose along your forearm and if the dog is focussed on your forearm then you have the hose there, ready. Now, to stop the dog jumping and biting your arm using this you put it under your left arm but put your right, fingers spread, in front of the dog between the dog and the hose under your forearm. This does work. I've done this with great success and boy the drive I've been getting out of my dog lately has been exceptional. I have too much a lot of the time and the dog surges too far forward. Have you heard of the Leerburg DVD Training Drive, Focus and Grip? This is a goody for showing how to build drive with Bernhard Flinks imho. It helped me a lot anyway.

If you are in NSW, K9 Force is the man to see of course :champagne:

Hope this little bit of info from a novice Drive fan helps!

i have the ivan balabanov dvds that teaches tracking drive focous grip ect.. but she has drive for me i need her to transfer it to some thing elese and thank you for that advice i will try it. do you have any more?

HELP K9 LOL :laugh:

Okay, when you say she has drive for you, do you mean you can get her fired up and she goes your arm etc. ? If you are saying this, you need to transfer that onto the article. I know, easy to say hard to do but in my time with my dog I have gone from balls to tugs to hoses. You can do this by removing the prey object altogether for a while. OBVIOUSLY you can't do that with yourself!!! Is that what you mean? My only other advice would be to make the hose, if you swap to hose, or small bite roll or whatever, very high value by only allowing play when you play with it. I don't quite understand what you mean. To 'make drive' you move the object very quickly side to side or away from the animal, never towards it. You then let the animal have it after they have performed something they know like 'sit'. Pretty simple but you gradually build on this. maybe you just haven't found the right prey item to build drive. Think outside the square a bit. You can use more than one for different situations I've found too. To build drive in the recall forget about e-collars LOL. The best way I've found is with a bite roll. So I use a bite roll specifically for the recall. I don't know if any of this is helping you at all!!! I think it might come down to the prey item with you. But crating... nope, I wouldn't do it. For IPO you still want a hugely strong bond with your dog. You create this by working/playing together. Crating works to a degree, I believe, but I also believe that if you need to work on bond strengthening, retreival/recall games are the way to go. They build drive, they build the bond. Use your prey item during them and the drive should build. Well, that's been my experience with my dog and others I've seen and suggested to.

Where are you situated? K9 could help you :rofl: A guy called Mark Murray in Vic.

thank you for that i got a bit outa it.. i live in queensland... but if you know any one up here???

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