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Puppies Are Expensive!


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Anyone know of a cheap desexer in Melbourne (preferably near a station)?

Need cheap vaccination and puppy preschool too.

I don't need people going off at me. Truth is, I CAN afford the pup, I'd just like to save as much money as possible.

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:) I need a good but cheap and qualified plumber. Also a good but cheap handyman for the jobs around my house I can't manage to do myself. And a good but cheap and qualified motor mechanic.

Sorry Cazz - not having a go. I know what you mean though - I like to save money where I can too. But when it comes down to it I really want a good job done and that doesn't always come with the cheapest price tag. Sometimes the "cheap" can work out the most expensive.

What fees have you been quoted? If you put them up here then DOLers may be able to indicate whether, in the general scheme, it's a reasonable price or not. They may also be able to indicate whether they have had first hand experience with the Vet and whether they are likely to recommend them or not.

Edited by Erny
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Oh - and meant to ask ...... what suburbs in Melbourne are you looking for the Vet to be in?

I have met Dr. Steve Wait at Beaconsfield Vet Clinic and in the matters I have had occasion to deal with him, have found him very personable, understanding and compassionate towards animals. I haven't had first hand experience of his desexing talents but can't imagine any problems there. I've heard from a few people who have recommended him for a variety of veterinary services.

Don't know what he charges though.

Next time I need a Vet it is my intentions to go to him.

His clinic is only a stone's throw from the Railway Station too.

ETA: Even just for vaccinations, I like to go to a good Vet (not necessarily the cheapest). Because vaccination time is also a time for a general check and I'd like to think my Vet was diligent enough to pick up on things that perhaps I haven't. Not to mention the fact that during those visits my Vet is getting to know my dog, so if more serious or other ailments arise he/she already has a visual and personal knowledge of my dog and of me ..... to a degree, at least.

As for puppy school - that's a different matter and one to give some careful consideration to. It's not the Vet Clinic nor even the price that should be priority ...... but the people who run the puppy pre-school. Check out their qualifications/experience. These people can help you make or break your puppy (sometimes for life) at this age.

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:) Sorry, can't help, but often promotions are run (RSPCA, local councils) for desexing pets.

Usually discounts only for pensioners, unemployed, students etc.

Puppy preschools are great if you're new to dogs or have no other dogs to socialise pup with (off-leash parks are NOT the place unless you know all the other dogs well). It's much cheaper to buy a good book and do a little training at home and socialise your pup elsewhere. Don't leave it too late.

Then, join a local obedience club at 16 weeks of age and start there. I'm not in your area, but it was $85 for a yearly membership+ 10 week beginner class, then $3/ week after that. Much cheaper than shorter puppy classes.

If you can toilet train, you can certainly teach your dog to sit, drop, and watch you.

Check out "Triangle of Temptation" in the Training subforum- great place to start- and free!

Edited by Poodle wrangler
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I posted a topic in general 2day about a site I came across on the net - Think I called

it Cheap vet in Vic or something similar - a few people have commented on this today

so check it out.

This is the site I stumbled across - I'm in SA but thought someone in Melbourne may be

helped out with it - very reasonable prices.


Good luck!

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  Erny said:
:) I need a good but cheap and qualified plumber. Also a good but cheap handyman for the jobs around my house I can't manage to do myself. And a good but cheap and qualified motor mechanic.

Me too Erny, coz boy am I in trouble when the boss gets back and sees the bill for the plumber today. :laugh:

The old adage Cazz - do you want the job done quick, cheap or good? :laugh:

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I need a good but cheap and qualified plumber.

I'd settle for one that actually shows up!

Check out your local community dog club for puppy socialising. Even if they don't have puppy classes there, they might be able to recommend one for you. If they do have puppy classes, they might very well be cheap and fun.

We started off doing puppy obedience at the local club, now we've graduated to beginners class and it's enormous fun.

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:) Sn'T ..................... actually - not funny :laugh:.

But, whilst we're on the subject, I also need a good but cheap and qualified electrician as well as a good but cheap plasterer. Oh ..... and a good but cheap outdoor tiler.

That should do for now :laugh:.

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  Erny said:
  GayleK said:
I need a good but cheap and qualified plumber.

I'd settle for one that actually shows up!

:):laugh: Ain't that the truth !!!!!

Yeah mine actually turned up today, and I rang this morning, so I'm thinking he could be good marriage material. :rofl:

ETA: Sorry Cazz, going off topic there. :laugh:

Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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  Staff said:
Yeah mine actually turned up today, and I rang this morning, so I'm thinking he could be good marriage material. :rofl:

:laugh: Perhaps he has a brother????? :)

ETA: Sorry Cazz, going off topic there. :rofl:

Yes, Cazz. Sorry. :laugh:

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I would use the Lort Smith without hesitation- in emergencies they have been fantastic and they accept payments as well as offering health care/pensioner discounts. If your pup is small, you can take him/her on the tram to the LS.

Where abouts are you?

Personally, we use Yarraville Village Animal Hospital for our general vet needs, and the clinic is a 5 minute walk from the station. However I can't tell you the costs of desexing as I haven't had anyone done in years!!! But we just completed puppy school there and it was quite good, most of the class is done on-lead with a short play session or two if the pups are compatible (so no free for alls which can damage a pup's temperament) and it is all positive/reinforcement based.

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Some UNI's do it free too i think.

Your best bet from here on,is ask around for a good vet close to you and STiCK WITH HIM/HER.

Theres not a chance I would take on so many dogs if it werent for the relationship I have with my vet.

I have to drive past at least 5 or 6 vet surgeons to get to him. Its not about whos cheapest for me (even though Im povvo lol and i can hardly afford luxuries) its about having someone honest,and caring.

Speaking of which,Indie is getting desexed today!...

Ive got ALL the dogs on no food water for moral support...Once she's been dropped off ,i'll fill the other rumbly tummies.

The only reason i can even afford desexing is,i paid lots of bits n pieces for my brother,who has a credit card,up to the value of desexing over a period of time. So now its D'Day,im whackin the surgery on his card..lol..

U gotta think ahead for these kinda things lol.

Other things if emergencies,and sometimes just on a check up visit,if we need extras he just lets me pay him off.

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Lort Smith is good, Sasha Herbert sees my pet rats (Mystar and Chompy were desexed 2 months ago, $66 each, but they're rats!) I used to take my ferrets there too.

Lort Smith it is then! I can get a heavy discount from the council on microchipping too...Mishka's soo worth it!

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Been there. Mishka's been wormed and had his first vaccination. Been quoted $400 for the amputation. His entire leg will have to be removed, he can't move his elbow. The vet went on the theory that Mish was abused, his ankle has rubber band marks around it. :thumbsup:

We had a good wander around Flagstaff Gardens, Mish said hello to everyone. He adored rolling in the grass!! I was so happy that he seemed to be having so much fun!

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