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Dog Chiropractor In Sydney


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i would appreciate some advice please.

I am currently overseas for the next 10 days and we left our 3 dogs ( 2 oldish schnauzers and a staffy puppy) in the capable but young hands of our 19yr old daughter.

Anjelica our runty 12 yr old Schnauzer had hurt 'her foot' the day i left, or that's what it looked like to me. she was limping around at home but did rise to the occasion and come to the park for a run with the others so i assumed it would get better and left our daughter with instructions to go to vet if required. She had been playing on our bed, left the room for a moment and when she came back was limping. i didnt hear anything, i didnt see her do anything so i thought she must have twisted something but then palpation didnt really pain her either.

so, she's not got better and the vet has said she's got a cervical spur causing her grief. i'm told she's on antibiotics ( they took some teeth out under surgery whilst they looked at her) and pain killers and will be reviewed next week. I"m so frustrated this is happening from afar, especially as Anjelica will be pining for me anyway even if she was well. Poor little foo. i'm also frustrated i cant ask the vet 50 questions!

i'm anxious the boisterous puppy is going to aggrevate things but separating them is not really doable whilst i'm not home as this is a working family and the staffy has Never been separated from the girls. i would like to suggest to daughter that we add some glucosamine into Anjelica's diet?? i'm just not sure of the dose. we also have fish oil at home that she could use too.

i'm thinking also a chiropractor would be useful? i'm SO not inclined to go down a path of surgery if that's entailed. I love my dog dearly but i recognise she's already old so am not sure how much intervention would be useful ... We live up Epping way in Sydney so if anyone had any contacts i would much appreciate it. And any advice on how to make her more comfortable. Massage? heat packs? ice packs?

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