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Be Calm


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I always had problems with my beagles getting car sick and frothing at the mouth. Tried everything from rescue remedy, ginger travel sick tablets, gingernut cookies - nothing worked. Even with starvation before travel they would still sick up. No fun at all with showdogs having to clean them up and it does not put them in the happiest mood - beagles also being on relatively early. Now I have shar pei and it is not an issue!

Sorry to offer no help - but it may be pretty common with these sorts of hounds.

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Guest Robatife BCs

I have owned dogs all my life and never had a problem with car sickness. I have owned Terriers, a Poodle, Border Collies, a Cattle Dog, German Shepherd and I have lived with Mini Foxies and a Beagle.

I recently got a new Border Collie pup and her fear of car travel is heartbreaking to watch, her eyes widen when she sees the car, she froths at the mouth, pees herself and crys. I got crates for the back of my car and that has helped a bit (she looooooves her crates), but if you can recommend these Be Calm tablets i'm willing to try them out!!

Badboyz, I have delayed getting this girl into the ring because she gets out of the car after the travel and she whimpers, is covered in pee and has a "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" look on her face :thumbsup: I know what you mean.

Anyone know any pet stores I can get them from in Vic?

Edited by Robatife BCs
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