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Puppy Pre-school


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Ok I'm rusty as here and cant think at what age do you start to take your puppy for its first walk? also the papers I got with Cody said not to worm him for a week, so what are the ages you worm your pup...is it 6, 8 and 12 weeks old?? and what is the best wormer to use?

I want to take Cody to puppy pre-school like I did with Minx, but I'm sure Minx was walking on her lead by then, so wondering when I should start Cody on a lead? sorry if this seems a silly question and something I should know, but when you haven't had a puppy for awhile you seem to forget :happydance2:

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We had Bakari at preschool from 8 weeks. Probably a good idea to start putting cody on a lead so it's not too much of a shock as you'll need it on for classes...

Worming - the breeder gave us a drontal chewable tablet for the 8 week, we then had to do it at 10 & 12 weeks... Then I think it's monthly from now on...

We didn't take Bakari for his first walk until after his 2nd shot... we had it done early at 10 weeks as we are going to be showing him at 13 weeks (next weekend) and he needed it done and given the rest period before then...

Hope that helps!

He's gorgeous by the way!

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I have recently gotten a puppy, first one in eight years. Can you please tell me what happens at puppy presechool? At the moment I am having to carry my dog into the vets as I havn't been able to get her to walk on a leash. I think puppies are like babies, each time you have one, things seem to have changed.

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Worming - the breeder gave us a drontal chewable tablet for the 8 week, we then had to do it at 10 & 12 weeks... Then I think it's monthly from now on...

Worming schedule is usually recommended (from 8 weeks) as 10 weeks, 12 weeks, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months and then every 3 months.

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Chloebear puppy pre-school is great, I took Minx and went with my niece when she got her puppy, its fun, the pups get to play with other puppies and learn to play nice :rofl: and they teach you some training hints etc, and you can ask any questions you like...food, toys, training, sleeping, toilet training etc etc :)

where about are you located??

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Usual advice is no walks outside of home until about 10 days after 2nd vaccinations. It'll be on your vacc. card when this is due.

Drontal Allwormer- dose by weight- can buy from vet, usually.

Start him on a lead anytime. Light lead for pup. They can wear it and just drag it about for a few minutes each day to get used to it. Any longer and it will be chewed.

First lead walks in the house or backyard. You can start with no leash and play "follow me"- use a toy or food to get pup to follow. When when you attach the leash, again lure with food or toy- pup should already have the right idea.

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Many of the puppies that come to my puppy classes are not walking on their leads yet. Its something that your puppy school instructor can help you with. While you need to consider vaccinations, you should also consider your pups critical period- 6- 16 weeks. Its the most important time in your dogs life for socialisation and learning about the world so a well run puppy school from a qualified trainer will set you well on the right path.

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I rang the puppy pre school I took Minx to when she was a pup but they are booked out til the 1st Nov, which would make Cody about 14 weeks old, so should I look for another one in my area? or is 14 weeks old still an ok age to start? I would prefer to start him asap.

Edited by kittyhawklee
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I would be starting puppy school as soon as you can, poodles can become unsociable easily especially the littlies. If they are not exposed to enough as young pups they can become nervous and fearful of new people, dogs and surroundings even if all seems ok at the moment.

I know a great trainer that does puppy school in Carrum, Frankston and Mt Eliza (I think) but she books out very quickly. If you want her details I can PM them.

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Mishka does walk on his leash (when we're doing our 5am 'bladder jiggle') but he's very easily distracted. A few steps and he sees something move, a few more steps and he stops to admire a wattlebird, then he wanders back the way we came, just in case he smells another dog.

Is this happening right?

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i leash train pups at home well before they set foot outside

most take to it well

some wrestle with it for a while but lots of praise and games and treats do the treats

use the leash training as part of a feeding schedule ...a hungry pup will usually follow on a lead if u have his food bowl in ur hand...lead him round to various locations in ur "pup" area and feed every so often ..do this for five minutes and then let him eat the rest in peace

hunger is the best motivator!

how much fun is it to have a new puppy hey!

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