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My Newfy Puppy Has A Spinal Lesion


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Has anyone out there had any experience with a similar problem in their dog? Our Newfoundland puppy is 14 weeks old, we got her when she was 8 weeks. At 10 weeks she started to wobble a bit in her hind legs, we thought she was just being a clutzy puppy. At 11 weeks she started to walk like she was drunk. We took her to our local vet who checked her legs for abnormalities and they told us nothing wrong, just monitor it. It got worse over the next couple of days so we spoke to the breeder who asked us to video her which we did. After viewing it the breeder suggested it was not normal puppy behaviour. We rushed her to the 24 hr vet hospital and in 10 minutes they told us it was a neurological problem and referred us to a neurologist, we got in the next day - Monday. They took blood samples and put her on antibiotics in case she had an infection. Between Monday and Thursday she deteriorated to the point that she could no longer stand up on her hind legs. Since then she has had an MRI which showed 2 small spinal lesions in her neck. She has had a spinal tap. Nothing has shown conclusively what type of lesion it is or what it has been caused by. For the last 5 days she has been staying at the clinic and having anti inflammatories and corticosteroids. She has not improved however she has not deteriorated further. We are at a loss as to what is causing the lesion and how it should be treated. Apart from not being able to get up, she is alert, animated and has a normal appetite. We are bringing her home for the long weekend.

Has anyone seen anything like this? and can give us any information that may help us?

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Have you contacted your breeder yet?

Hi Sas, yes we contacted the breeder and she asked us to send a video of the puppy walking which we did, and she called us back straight away to say that it is not normal puppy clumsiness and to take her to a vet. which we did straight away. We are in contact with the breeder and keeping her up to date. She told us that she has not had any issues reported to her so far on our pup's littermates.

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:thumbsup: So sorry to hear of this problem?

I think the breeder should be giving you some guidance here. Do you have a puppy contract and what does it say?

It sounds like you've done a lot of expensive investigations and treatment, already, with not much joy ;) . Most often breeders offer to take the dog back, but don't cover vet bills, unless the problem is caused by an injury since leaving the breeders in which case I'd guess they'd say you're responsible.

I love the word "lesions"- that could be anything! Do they mean the spinal cord is coming through the vertebrae (bones) in the neck?

What prognosis does the vet give?

It concerns me that with both anti inflammatories and steroids there is no improvement. These are normally very effective drugs, however only treat the symptoms, not the underlying cause.

Best wishes for your pup :cry: . If it comes to the point, though, think of pup's best interests even if that means PTS (paws crossed it doesn't come to that).

Edited by Poodle wrangler
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