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Split Paw


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If it's bad, I would be inclined to clean and disinfect it and wrap the paw fairly loosely with elastic bandage. If you have one of those webbed pads that become flexible when you heat them, that would be a good base for under the wrapping. Obviously, this won't work if your dog doesn't tolerate bandages and you may have to take additional measures to prevent him from chewing it off.

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Thanks Sandgrubber. We did wrap it with one of the bandages that sticks to its self. He is not bothered by having to wear a bandage.

It is not too bad. I have a feeling he is like his mum. When she was a pup, she noticed that our other male was getting attention and not her. Tyra started to limp and of course we raced over to see what was wrong. She gots lots of cuddles and then got up and started limping on a different leg. She would start to limp any time that she thought Kasper was getting too much attention. We have already caught her female pup doing the same thing. ;)

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