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Frontline Plus And Bathing

Baby Dragon

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A nurse at the vets told me I need to wait two days after bathing my dog before putting Frontline Plus on him.

I read the instructions, and it says it's fine to put Frontline Plus on my dog after he's dry after a bath. It didn't say anything about waiting two days after a bath. It just said to wait two days after putting Frontline Plus on him before bathing...

I'm confused..

Do I need to wait two days after bathing him before putting it on? Is that something to do with oils in his skin? Or was the vet nurse mistaken? Or maybe I misunderstood?

Also - does anyone else with large dogs put the Frontline Plus on in two or three areas (behind neck, middle of back, tail) or does everyone put it all behind the neck? The instructions say to put it all behind the neck. Trainer said to put it in three spots (but most of it behind the neck) and vet nurse said to put it in two spots, most behind the neck and rest on back just before tail.

I'm even more confused!

Advice please...?

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I'm pretty sure you can put it on right after a bath. I prefer to put mine on a few days before a bath, as I find flea products leave a chalky residue and make my dogs' coats look dull. I put it in a couple of areas on the back of neck, if I put it all in one spot, it runs over the hair instead of on the skin.

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I'm pretty sure you can put it on right after a bath. I prefer to put mine on a few days before a bath, as I find flea products leave a chalky residue and make my dogs' coats look dull. I put it in a couple of areas on the back of neck, if I put it all in one spot, it runs over the hair instead of on the skin.

I totally agree with Kavik (both on bathing after because of dull coat and on putting on different pots because it runs over hair).

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I use advantage not frontline and I put it on straight after a bath and it works fine. My dogs are sort of medium sized and I put one between the shoulder points and one between their hip bones. For a bigger dog I think you put in on in three places.

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I always try to use it three days before and after a bath, I have always recommended this to others. I always thought because it is systemic that it was better to have some oils in the coat before use.

I only ever use it on the back of the neck as you don't want to use it in any areas where the dog could ingest the product. It is a systemic drug so it goes right through the dogs system. :thumbsup:

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I'm sure I've heard the "2 days after a bath" too.

I had a freebie Frontline Plus sample for pup and it didn't work for me for fleas- "Did you wait 2 days after a bath?" was asked. I can't recall, but fur was certainly 100% dry. I switched back to Advantix after that- no probs.

How much does Blayd now weigh?

For dogs about 25kg (ie. my standard poodle) I put it in 3 spots because you have a fair bit of liquid to get onto SKIN (not fur :rofl:) .

For the mini (8kg) it all goes between the shoulder blades.

It's easier if someone helps you- they part the fur- with very thick fur.

I use a slicker + hand to part it.

You'll find Blayd will smell better for longer if you finish him off with a dryer, anyway. My dogs don't have long fur but because it's thick, takes ages to dry and sometimes I've thought they're dry, only to find it still damp at the skin. Eau de wet dog ;).

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I use all different products,each month. The vet said they build up a resistance.

Mind u frontline never worked for me. Made me feel like a bad mummy when they kept scratching.

Im hitting it head on this time,ive got just about EVERY flea treatmant,indoors outdoors,oral and topical lol..

Last summer was a killer.

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Not long ago I was at a vet seminer and in the flea section it was broght up that frontline plus no longer states that you should wait 48hrs on the box,however when we asked what we should do(I am a vet nurse and we hydrobath regulary) we were told its best to wait at least until the day following the bath to apply frontline that way the oils will be back in the pores.

Also it is reccomended to only apply to the back of the neck in 1 spot.

This is the same if you are using frontline spray.

If you want to use a product in conjuction with frontline,to repel the fleas and ticks you can use permoxin it is great if your dog has flea allergy.

ETA- If you bath your dog after using frontline you should use a soap free PH balanced shampoo and conditioner otherwise the frontline will be less effective.(Aloveen shampoo and leave in conditioner or Natural shampoo by dermcare are great)

Edited by sheree_e4
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thank you sheree e4 :eek:

strange that they'd leave that off the packet (about waiting after a bath before applying.)

Did they mention why it had to all go behind the neck? I think that on a bigger dog it makes sense to put some above the tail like my dog's trainer showed us... otherwise it seems to just run into the fur and not the skin behind the neck if it's all put there... but that's just me... I guess I should be doing what they recommend though!

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