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Training Tips For Introducing A Dog Carry Pack?


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Just received my puppy carry pack, one that you can pop the dog in and strap to your back/front to carry the dog. Now the hard bit. How do I get her to accept it and be comfortable sitting in it?!?

I was thinking of putting treats inside it and letting her play in and out of it until she gets used to it and then slowly putting her in there before ultimately putting the pack on and carrying her. Would this be the best way to go about it? Do you have any other suggestions? Do you know how long it will take to train her this way (obviously this depends on the dog and my training skills - or lack of!)?

And no, I'm not wanting to pamper my pooch by carrying her everywhere, in fact I'm a little embarrassed at having to carry Pepper this way :o , but my hubby and I like to go on long walks, particularly bush walks and we've only recently learnt that we could be damaging her legs by walking her too much, hence the carry pack! Needless to say, once her bones have developed properly, she'll be using all four of her little God-given legs!! :o

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What you suggest seems good to me.

I did pop my dog in one of these pouches my aunt owned. I put my arms around her in the pouch like she was simply being carried. She thought it was pretty good then and I fed her treats for settling down. But the pouch dwarfed her really. Older legs are for walking so it wasn't much use to me. I can see in your case it's practical.

I taught my dog to travel in a bike's basket . Similar to how you'd teach your pup to use the pouch? I put her in the basket and I only restrained her for all of a few seconds before she got the idea. Then I'd feed her a treat now and again. I also let her run for a while before I put her in and take her out every now and again to walk a bit. The reason she was in the basket is she was too young and too small to keep up with the other dog that needed more exercise.

I did slowly get her used to the fact the bike wobbles and bounces a bit by treating her when purposely jiggling her around. Maybe when your pup is tired put her in the pouch in your lap (treats too ) as walking with it on might move your pup round a far bit. Little waks to start so your pup is gradually used to the feeling. Wonder if its a bit like boat travel?

Depends on your dog how long it takes. Hyper pup might not adjust to it. Some dogs love the easy life!

Have fun!

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Thanks skip.

The pouch is a little bit smaller than I imagined it, but I think Pepper will still fit in it, for a couple of months anyway!

I let her play with the pouch last night, put a few treats in it and she stuck her head in it a couple of times. Tonight I'll try and see if I can get her to stay in it for at least a second or two!!

I want to train her to ride in a bike basket too. I used to go riding a lot, but haven't done so in a while and having withdrawal symptoms!!! I think she'll always be riding in a basket as she is way too small for me to let her run along the bike. I'd fear riding over or into her!

Skip, did you introduce your dog to the bike first, and then into the basket whilst it was stationary?

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I think if I remember right I tried her in the basket on the bike in the back yard first and she wasn't having a bit of it.

So at the dog park after we'd walked a bit first I put her in the basket while I walked beside the bike. I gave her a treat. But I think it was harder to walk beside as the bike was unsteady.

So I picked her up, stood over the bike. Put her in the basket ( which had sheepskin in the bottom- very important! ) and clipped her in with her harness. Treats as well if she stayed still. I just pushed off and rolled with the slope. Stopped and treated. Checked she was OK and did this a few times. That was about it. I used the harness at first as sometimes I needed to steer without thinking she will jump out. She never attempted to get out. She loved it.

I was intending to be really energetic and ride the bike more. We do enough walking and I would like to ride around the large bike track which is near our dog park. I don't want to do 2 trips to the park ( with dogs and without) so I want to get the other dog to stay on the bike as well. Might be a little harder as I don't have eyes in the back of my head! He'd have to go on the back.

This summer I'll have to give it a go.

Edited by skip
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