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Treacle - Rest In Peace


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I'm sorry my little friend, we didn't know you were sick until it was too late. Please forgive me for not being there with you when you died. I wanted to, so you wouldn't be alone and thought that taking you to the vets would help you heal, not to have you die in alone, in a lonely place. If I had of known it was your time, I would have asked the vet to set you free last night with you in my arms. Perhaps it would have been better if I brought you home, but I didn't want you to be in pain at the end, which I realise now you might have been.

Treacle was our second guinea pig. We think she was about 4-5 years old. We got her when she was a bub to keep our other guinea pig, Muddle, company. When we went to feed them both last night, Treacle was extremely quiet. This was very unusual, as she is usually the noisiest of the two. Hubby picked her up and immediately realised that there was something wrong. Her abdomen was all swollen. I took her to the after-hours vet, which unfortunately has only vet students rostered on after hours. I truly believe he did his best - he phoned several vets to find out what he should do. I do not blame him, perhaps blame myself for not making a longer trip (1hr+) to a different vet. He thought at the time it might have been gastric stasis, where their gut stops moving. The vet I spoke to this morning thinks that it might have been heart failure, which would apparently explain the build up of fluid. I know that I shouldn't have "favourites", but I think because we got Treacle when she was a bub I grew more attached to her. She was very nervous and submissive when we first got her, and lately there seemed to have been a "changing of the guard" where she was becoming more of a boss than Muddle... who is a real grump... but forgiven for that since she was at the RSPCA until she was almost 12 months old with very little handling. Anyway, I ramble.... you'll be missed my furry little friend, particularly the noise around dinner time. Travel safe and find all my family's past pets at Rainbow Bridge.

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