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Omg My New Puppy Has Fleas


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This morning I was giving my new baby a brush and to my horror I found a flea!! :( so I dont want minx to catch any so what can I do to get rid of them, and is he to young to use Revolution (sp?) or one of them?? he is 8 weeks old.

Edited by kittyhawklee
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Hi Kittyhawklee,

Congratulations on your new pup. Fleas are a bit of a pain for you both and the season is just starting now. At 8 weeks I would just use Frontline spray on the pup being careful not to get it near his/her eyes.

Do you have any photo's to share?



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Wash pup's bedding and vacuum well.

If you live on the eastern seaboard, you need something to cover all these:

Heartworm- monthly tablets or yearly injection (I prefer the tablets)

Ticks, fleas- monthly for fleas, fortnightly for ticks unless you use a tick collar

Intestinal worms- treat fortnightly for pup.

I use Interceptor Spectrum + Advantix on both poodles.

I just pulled a huge tick of our mini poodle, so both are freshly Advantix'ed!

What did the breeder suggest?

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Here in Adelaide ticks are not a problem....however fleas are a different matter....all of my dogs live inside, sleep in out bedroom and get spoilt.....we had a rescue that brought fleas in and we have had a terrible time getting rid of them....what we have found that works well...a warm bath in a tea tree oil based dog shampoo and conditioner (our vets sells one that is puppy friendly)....hot wash all bedding and toys especially soft toys.....good vacum of the carpets and spray lightly with a mix of tea tree oil and hot water....advantage all of the dogs at the same time...spray the carpet mix over any areas the dogs play outside.....i know it sounds extreme but it really does work

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If you don't want to use chemicals on your puppy, you could go the natural route and use something like Flea Free Food Supplement. It contains only natural ingredients and you just a bit to the puppy's food or water each day.

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Yes the flea's are out thats for sure...I love finding them and killing them.. My dogs are inside dogs 24/7.. so if i find one on the dogs they all get checkd..

I use advocate but i dont know about useing it on puppy's

Same here, I found doing it like this when they were little got them used to be poked and prodded somewhat..

We use Advantage Plus.. but not until they were bigger.. up to the age of 16 weeks they were on hand fleaing

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