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Gunky Eyes

Miss Monster

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Yesterday Bakari started getting a sleep like substance in the corner of his eyes but it's a greenish colour... Kind of looks like conjunctivitis...

Russ said that when he got up this morning his eyes looked a bit puffy.

Everything else is fine, he's acting normal, even to the point that he was trying to eat the tissue I was wiping his eyes with.

Just wondering if this is worth a trip to the vet or if there is something else I can do?

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I've just had the same thing with my dog - took her in on Saturday and ended up with some ointment. Could have been started by antything including pollen, and vet said it was as well to get it sorted before it damaged eye etc. So you are doing the right thing - yes more vet bills! but worth it to prevent any serious harm.

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Colloidal silver does wonders for infections/reactions. Can get from most health food stores.

This type of reaction is very common at this time of year - allergies to pollens/grasses etc is usually the culprit. I usually find improving/changing diet can help a lot with this.

If your ever unsure and the problem persists or gets worse then always of to the vet. Like you said - better safe than sorry.

Edited by NaturallyWild
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