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Re-teaching A Dog To Fetch


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Since coming back from holidays Chopper seems to have forgotten a lot of things including how to fetch. He'll run after it but then keep running and not bring it back. He used to be really obedient and ball obsessed, but now he won't fetch and he won't recall.

The park we go to has a GSD there that he adores and will only chase the ball with him and only if the other owner throws it. If I bring just him and Angel, and there's no other dogs there, he'll fetch every time. If I bring him on his own and there's no other dogs there he'll do what he did this morning, run after the ball but not bring it back and just dick around completely ignoring me.

I guess the root of the problem is leadership issues... did I just answer my own question?!

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I'm guessing you're concerned about a play retrieve, not a formal (competition) one, right?

In that case I'd like to ask, if you throw the ball, does he run after it but not pick it up? Or does he pick it up but just not bring it back to you?

If it's the second scenario, then placing the "two hoses" game might help, i.e you have two identical toys such as hoses, you throw the first hose, and once he picks it up, you whip out the second hose and start teasing him with it, you don't throw the second hose till he's dropped the first. When he's dashing off to get the second hose, you can go pick up the first hose and repeat the whole thing again. Having two identical toys keeps the focus of the game on you, plus you can gradually shape him bringing the first hose back to your feet in order to get the second hose thrown.

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Competition? Are you mad? We're a long way from that mate!!!

He runs after it, either picks it up and drops it again immediately or just keeps running. If he brings it back he drops it at my feet. Funnily enough if he brings the tennis ball back to my neighbour he won't drop it for her. Strange.

We used to use a squeaky ball... a cuz toy that he chewed the feet off... but it went missing a while ago. I wonder if I got another one would it make a difference to his enthusiasm levels.

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Not that Im an expert but I would want him to be wanting the ball more, and I would throw the ball between me and another person for a while.

Its as if he is interested in it while its moving and when its dead he doesnt care.

My Rex is like that if this is any cancellation for you :rolleyes: and I think a bit of leadership issue comes into it.

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My advice would be to take the ball off him at all times except for when he can play with YOU ONLY. The ball fun comes from you only. If necessary do it in the back yard. Don't let him play with other dogs in the park for a while. Dogs play too well with each other and its hard to compete with that! Just make it all you and the dog. And you start the game, then let him keep the ball and get another one so that you have two. You can exchange balls. Do lots of recall games. You throw one, then get him to come back by calling him. When he comes, as he gets close, throw the second one so he drops one and then races out to the other. Back forth back forth. He is winning all the time because he has the ball all the time... but so do you if you have two! The recall strengthens with the dog's desire to come back and play with you. You finish the game a long time before he is pooped and ready to stop. he has to still be desperately wanting to play. You take the balls and stick them in your pockets, whatever, but on your person. They are YOUR TROPHIES not his. But you exchange them for a piece of food, so he gets something for giving them back. Work with him. I'd cut out all play with other dogs during these games and if he adores the GSD, ban playing with the GSD for a while. You are the fun source, pack leader, centre of the universe he revolves around. if you aren't he'll keep nicking off LOL. Good luck! That's my advice anyway. It worked a treat with my dog and I've seen it huge success with other dogs too. But you have to forget play iwth other dogs til you are the best in the world and the dog will return to you every time over playing with another dog.

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